UK14 - Its me again!


Why do I bother? I mean really why do I bother? Or should I rephrase this, why do we all bother to play this game repeatedly? We all complain to each other that it just takes up so much time, and people give up and the worlds are too small. So then why are we here? Is it because we view this as an alternate reality, somewhere to escape the real world, not worry about what happens. In a way Tribal Wars is like a drug, it becomes detrimental to your life the more you use it. Enough of the ramblings... so world 14. After much anticipation, it is finally here, and thank the lord that the idea of churches was scrapped!

Unsurprisingly, flags have been kept in the loop, and this has left many in the lurch when it comes to an advantage. Forget about complaining for a while, and just think about the benefits all this premium has given! For some people, they will have some flags but not the greatest, maybe level 1 or level 2, but for other players they will have level 6 or 7 flags. The resource boost could help a not so good farmer keep up with players who are incredible at farming. But disparities should be expected, flags are a new thing, and it will take time or lots of money before everyone is again on an equal footing, not everyone is willing to pay for premium, but then again you have kind people who are happy to help out those in need, so balance is restored to an extent!

The settings of 14 are a little obscure, but a combination of the 15 tech system, coins and a pally with no weapons should result in an interesting game, but that is my very thick opinion. Although this world as a method for learning could possibly be a very good idea, providing the main competitors give the new players a bit of lee way.

A bit early to say which tribes will be around later on, but there are some promising candidates. Inc., Twits., T-U-S, (MB), DpTd, all look like possibilities, but this is such an early stage in the game that anything could happen! Take SHAC for example from world 13, they looked good, but then infighting and a few bans and the tribe imploded, its members never fully recovering.

No archers and no farm rule will lead to interesting arrangements when stacking - unless Gix turns up - then everything will be turned upside down! (Love ya bro).

I wish everyone good luck and happy farming as we all near the LC, or already have LC, and the end of BP draws closer!

Enjoy and good fortune!



Nothing serious until next year in all likelihood, but will always try to put something of interest into these forums


I know your exaclty buildings arrh :D

Village Headquarters (Level 10)
Barracks (Level 5)
Stable (Level 3)
Smithy (Level 5)
Rally point (Level 1)
Statue (Level 1)
Market (Level 1)
Timber camp (Level 9)
Clay pit (Level 8)
Iron mine (Level 6)
Farm (Level 3)
Warehouse (Level 6)
Hiding place (Level 2)
Wall (Level 1)

only farm3 -.-


I know your exaclty buildings arrh :D

Village Headquarters (Level 10)
Barracks (Level 5)
Stable (Level 3)
Smithy (Level 5)
Rally point (Level 1)
Statue (Level 1)
Market (Level 1)
Timber camp (Level 9)
Clay pit (Level 8)
Iron mine (Level 6)
Farm (Level 3)
Warehouse (Level 6)
Hiding place (Level 2)
Wall (Level 1)

only farm3 -.-

What level's my farm? :p


how should I know this?
I know the buildings only from dekiller337


i have an important question, perhaps you're psychic powers can help...

Whats Tribal Wars and what am I doing here?


referring to original post, gix wont be around i suspect, busy on w59