UK15 Maps, produced by Nickjer


The reasoning is forum loading time, it's the same with GIFs, etc. Within moderation, it's not much of an issue, but surely you can see why it is difficult to enforce something that is largely subjective?


Quick thanks to d1mension - skyped me how to change forum view to make spoilers work from my phone. Much more helpful than Jamie's patronising post.

/me rolls eyes, and yet blue ses id be a bad forum admin :p

n not a problem james, always happy to help :)


People with potential for admin should post this useful info on the forum, so that the community can benefit from the wisdom of the potential mod.



People with potential for admin should post this useful info on the forum, so that the community can benefit from the wisdom of the potential mod.


Loooooool cuz they wud let me be mod wouldnt they :p


Glad to see*R* staying on these maps now :D just gotta work on representation in the Player orientated ones


Haha it's been a long Time seeing one of nickjers maps of the world, started waaaaay to late to even try to battle for anything timing for coming back to TW was just dumb :'( next world I guess :)


You shared a net connection of 2mb with how many people? Thats ridiculously pikey. Im sorry but im pretty sure there are more users with smartphones than pikeys with crap connection speeds. The maps load quick enough on a phone when not spoilered so arguing that they should be spoilered to overcome slow load rates is a poor argument. If its an issue then hit the x and stop the page loading then right click the "failed image" icon you want and select load image.

I have a smartphone no issues at all for me, in facts spoilers help to avoid screen size being taken up by lots of open maps, easier to get the right zoom level :) just my thoughts :) (use a bb10, for everything TW related, no issues) maybe it's the phone choice ;) just saying