USA - World's Largest Superpower or World's Largest Clown?


With some prompting from various french and British ne'er-do-wells, these former Colonies eventually adopted a Constitution featuring equality and justice for all - unless you happened to be a female, black or a native American Indian...

In the early 1800's (1812) they decided that they would try a land grab, and under the pretext of complaining about deserting sailors getting lifted by the Regulators, decided to invade the decent chaps up north. Having burned a town or two in the middle of winter (obviously they had to burn the 'ville in order to save it), and having been held to a draw by the local TA (the Regular army were busy with some short dictator who had conquered all of Europe, and was being faced alone by Britain... hold on, where have I heard that before...) and achieved none of the war aims, they claimed to have won and signed an armistice.

This is just so wrong. We ignored the impressment of sailors of british heritage for years. Only after you started to seize whole ships and cargo then claim them as prizes did we have a problem. But still we did not want war but you blockaded New York city. You arrested non-british sailors as well and impressed them and attacked an american ship and fired multiple times at a ship that refused to fight. You also were supplying native americans for a guerrilla war against us. You gave us no choice but to declare war but alas we were not prepared for such a war and we were defeated.

You also forget the fact of what the british did as revenge for the burning of Niagara on the lake. The british burned 3 towns to the ground here and killed as many of them as they could also allowing native american allies to scalp them. You devastated the entire area in which I live because we burned a tiny village.

The fact that Britain had taken time off from defeating dictators, landed at their capital, given the defenders a kicking, eaten the President's victory banquet, and torched his house so that he had to redecorate in a fetching shade of white had nothing to do with it. The fact that they still teach that it was somehow a victory (or at least a draw) is proof that the White House has had good spin doctors for the past two hundred years. The fact that they thought that the Canadians would welcome them with open arms, and bless them for their liberation from the eeevil empire, is similar proof that the CIA hasn't improved much either.

In the late 1800's (1861-66) the Northern states decided that the Southern ones were having too much fun (wearing taffeta, whipping black houseboys etc) and decided that from then on that some of their 'property' were now officially people and couldn't be owned. When the South replied 'up yours' the North came down with a big army but ran away when the South squared up to them. 5 years and 600,000+ dead people later the South decided they would release all their slaves ... who promptly struggled to survive/get work in a now shattered nation. Apart from that- how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?

In more recent times, the American contribution to war-fighting has been to throw vast amounts of cash, and quite large numbers of expendable young men, at the problem and then to claim victory afterwards. This failed to work out in Vietnam or Somalia but stood the USA in good stead in WW1, WW2, the Korean War, Gulf War 1 and Gulf War 2: 'This Time It's Personal...'.

Vast amounts of young men? Maybe if you compared the amount of people we send to the tiny british population they are large numbers. In Somalia it was a snatch and grab operation by special forces teams. Who lost 18 men compared to hundreds if not thousands of Somalians killed.

It should be noted that the Spams hate being late for a war. Its like turning up at the cinema and finding the movie has alreadys started and you've missed the start. After having been VERY late for WW1, being fairly late for part 2 and having a small part in the early stages of Korea ... the US of A swore it would never be late again (mainly cause the other countries were starting to question its gender orientation). As a result they now demand to start all wars or at least be the major target. Expect all future presidents to declare war and ask questions after the bombs have started falling - this will be known as the GWB amendment

We should never have even fought in WW1 and really we should have declared war on you not germany.

That is all


He's the only one that would actually defend the holocaust. Nice to see Slacker supports the extermination of my people :icon_rolleyes:

How did I say I support the holocaust?
I said the US should have declared war on The french and british in WW1.


Go back and read the comments you make on .net. Supporting Hitler and the Third Reich.

I support germany not hitler. Hitler was an idiot and should have been replaced or at least not interfered with military matters. The holocaust was pointless and counter productive for the short term.


Hitler was actually pretty good at getting the economy going, if he didn't piss off Britain and France so much and start a world war then he could've made Germany pretty good... (excluding his evil ways of killing ethnic minorities)


Hitler was actually pretty good at getting the economy going, if he didn't piss off Britain and France so much and start a world war then he could've made Germany pretty good... (excluding his evil ways of killing ethnic minorities)

German economy was geared towards fighting the Second World War. It's 50/50 that it's economy would of lasted in actual peace-time.


Hitler was actually pretty good at getting the economy going, if he didn't piss off Britain and France so much and start a world war then he could've made Germany pretty good... (excluding his evil ways of killing ethnic minorities)

Hitler had little to do with the economy he found it not worth noticing he had economists basically do everything thus why it actually worked. He SHOULD have pissed them off taken poland and france and simply ignored the british other than in North africa. Then just prepared multiple defensive lines on his eastern border. Then like 1950 invaded USSR with fully mechanized logistics.


I support germany not hitler. Hitler was an idiot and should have been replaced or at least not interfered with military matters. The holocaust was pointless and counter productive for the short term.

Nazi Germany not Hitler planned the final solution and the holocaust. It would of happened even without Hitler in charge, it's just good for the world that Germany did lose the Second World War. You know when the SS planned the complete forced slavery of the Slavic people and Croats planned to kill most of the Serb population and force the rest into slavery.

according to reliable reports from countless German military and civil observers during the last few weeks the Ustaše have gone raging mad.
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Nazi Germany not Hitler planned the final solution and the holocaust. It would of happened even without Hitler in charge, it's just good for the world that Germany did lose the Second World War. You know when the SS planned the complete forced slavery of the Slavic people and Croats planned to kill most of the Serb population and force the rest into slavery.

Oh yes I do and it would not have been as severe unless Himmler took over. Hitler was pretty fanatical about it but not as bad. If they just put someone logical in they would have done fine and won.


Oh yes I do and it would not have been as severe unless Himmler took over. Hitler was pretty fanatical about it but not as bad. If they just put someone logical in they would have done fine and won.

If you hadn't had been born then the world would be a nicer place, it's all in hindsight.


If you hadn't had been born then the world would be a nicer place, it's all in hindsight.

In reality it would hardly change. But had the Nazi's won yes we would have some human rights issues but the speed at which they made technological developments was unrivaled in nearly every field. This would essentially improve us as a species.