Name: Victory
Tag: -V-
Date: 7/12/2010
Member Limit: 30-35 (at the start)
Tag: -V-
Date: 7/12/2010
Member Limit: 30-35 (at the start)
1. (Military) final and complete superiority in a war.
2. (Military) a successful military engagement.
3. a success attained in a contest or struggle or over an opponent, obstacle, or problem.
4. the act of triumphing or state of having triumphed.
2. (Military) a successful military engagement.
3. a success attained in a contest or struggle or over an opponent, obstacle, or problem.
4. the act of triumphing or state of having triumphed.
-very active, I mean both farming and on the forums as communication makes a great tribe.
-goood playing techniques
-know How to snipe noble trains
-Know how to send good noble trains, Backtime and dodge.
-For less experienced players Be willing to learn
-goood playing techniques
-know How to snipe noble trains
-Know how to send good noble trains, Backtime and dodge.
-For less experienced players Be willing to learn
Victory or V is for Victory, Still undecided.
We have around 10 members atm
How the tribe will be run
I will be running the tribe with strict rules to get the best out of you! Im a very understanding leader and I will push you to get the best out of you all and i will also motivate you as well. You get out whet you put in so If you arent active you will be kicked farmed and nobled but hopefully it doesnt get to that lol Lots of help will be given to players with less experience.
All tribes need a good council and strong foundations. There are a few places up for grabs but i will have to get to know you all first.
We will be putting a few proggrammes in place to help the growth of the tribe obv i cant go into much detail on here so hurry and get on the list !! Lets just say the bottom of the tribe will grow just as fast as the top XD
And last but not least, an important part of any tribe is Banter!! We want it to be fun as well so join oin the slagging matches and talk about your fav chuck norris quote or L3mst3r quote
When L3mst3r does push ups he isnt pushing his body up, He pushes the earth down !!
We need more players who over use the words epic and noob
THEMASTERI - Skype-Kerry.dixon3
L3MST3R - Skype-Liam.inglis
L3MST3R - Skype-Liam.inglis
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