W~A~R and G.F


The conflicts were bound to happen, to be fair W~A~R never shared a very cosy relationship with erstwhile TEAM and vice versa so it was not bound to change very drastically even after the merger. Both tribes have seen skirmishes every now and then with each other since the smack! meat buffer was removed from between.

As pcrasplot already pointed out there is no love lost between members on either side so forum's are expected to be alight with pokes and nudges some time to come.
Let's all see where this edition of skirmish takes us, I hope and expect it to be fun for all parties.
Its a game at the end of the day and lets all enjoy it.

PS: pcrasplot: Hey Neighbour :)


You nublets mailed me first.
Wanna see the proof?

G.F have done a great job nobling me out aint they...
Go ask them what you want.

Your gonna need more then nub mails to take my villages off me, little fella. :)

Uhm jaigosian you Great Warrior how many villages have you conquered from G.F.
Let me check.... http://www.twstats.co.uk/uk2/index.php?page=player&mode=conquers&id=189110 :icon_surprised:
OH my god ..........ZERO ??? ZIP ??? NIL ??? Are you fighting dude or just chatting in the forum ??!!!
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hehe I got a laugh out of that Quest! :lol: Banter like that is like a lone rose growing in a landfill!

And everyone knows too much TV is bad for the brain,so I blame you guys for any mental side-effects suffered by W2 members. :icon_razz:


Cheers frizzy - job done :icon_biggrin:

And everyone knows too much TV is bad for the brain,so I blame you guys for any mental side-effects suffered by W2 members. :icon_razz:

Is that fair, since most would argue that we have more members with mental side-effects? *note to self - must stop being so competitive*


*Sigh ~ I wont lie, the mails were for a lol, NOBODY mentioned making a note of what times you're online (my apologies if mine offended, however, I still need maintenance!!) - tbh, I'd send an attack if someone was online or not, and Im willing to bet 95% of Tribal Wars Players wouldn't really give a monkeys tink anyway either. Now lets cut out the cock baiting and get on with some fighting.

Good luck to both sides ~ especially W~A~R xx

The Reckoning

New Member
Reaction score
Sorry to burst your bubble, its not......................

Tribe ranking for the continent 56Rank Tribe name Points Villages
1 -TV- 5,52 Mio. 697
2 G.F 4,88 Mio. 590
3 Levian 2,54 Mio. 341
4 W~A~R 215.644 25
5 H D 99.106 16
6 GDI 71.697 12
7 m/afc 69.908 9
8 STORM! 62.536 9
9 DILLI 22.672 5
10 SUI 18.666 4
11 SPRK 4.394 1
12 ADVK 3.946 1
13 I.C.F. 120 1

yes juke you have but in 2-3 weeks it will be ours then and why make a berlin wall if yous cant def it :lol: :icon_redface:

oh and why dont yous ask quest about his farms to lol

Anthrich you never said you could predict the future.....:lol:

Tribe ranking for the continent 56Rank Tribe name Points Villages
1 G.F 5,77 Mio. 674
2 -TV- 5,76 Mio. 712
3 Levian 3,20 Mio. 424
4 W~A~R 307.698 35
5 H D 112.170 18
6 m/afc 71.525 10
7 STORM! 63.307 9
8 SUI 15.220 3
9 I.C.F. 146 1



Good work guys that will show them aint yer k now suckers


I was wondering how long before this got updated.

Yea GF have ravaged this beautiful K. I must say they don't make nice neighbours :icon_sad:. They keep pillaging all my neighbouring grey villages, leaving them baron and void of all :warehouse:.

Guys any chance your could just build :scout: in your new villages? They have super :speed: and will let the grey coloured neighbours flourish and prosper ( for me to plunder :icon_twisted: ).

I must be drunk to write drivel such as this but these forums are getting way too serious

The Reckoning

New Member
Reaction score
G.F's Past Month Stat Update Against -TV-

Side 1:
Tribes: G.F
Side 2:
Tribes: -TV-

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers:

Side 1: 849
Side 2: 1,665
Difference: 816


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 175
Side 2: 73
Difference: 102


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 4,863,236
Side 2: 10,173,484
Difference: 5,310,248


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,506,149
Side 2: 583,861
Difference: 922,288



G.F's Past Month Stat Update Against -TV-

Side 1:
Tribes: G.F
Side 2:
Tribes: -TV-

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers:

Side 1: 849
Side 2: 1,665
Difference: 816


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 175
Side 2: 73
Difference: 102


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 4,863,236
Side 2: 10,173,484
Difference: 5,310,248


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,506,149
Side 2: 583,861
Difference: 922,288


nice stats gf, well done but as you can see we are growing at twice the rate gf are with all our enemies, double there total conquers and a total of over 5 million points in the last month.

we are going down, im so scared.


nice stats gf, well done but as you can see we are growing at twice the rate gf are with all our enemies, double there total conquers and a total of over 5 million points in the last month.

we are going down, im so scared.

Of course you are growing fast!!! Get those barbs and build them for us...you know how to do it better than anyone !!:icon_biggrin:

You are our best customers ,dont forget that max.You deliver us the vilas and you get the nobles back to go for more barbs!!:icon_cool:
That's the way man...We all love ya...Keep up the building!!!:icon_eek:


Of course you are growing fast!!!

Thank you for your confirmation. We outgrow you so you cant possibly win.

Please check tw stats, you'll se we noble not more barbs than you do.

You are our best customers ,dont forget that max.You deliver us the vilas and you get the nobles back to go for more barbs!!
That's the way man...We all love ya...Keep up the building!!

Exactly the same can be said from our side, that is if we change the name above to yours.


love the propaganda lol thought tv didn't barb munch
lets see who's next to be kicked


love the propaganda lol thought tv didn't barb munch
lets see who's next to be kicked

Well offcoarse we occasionally noble a strategically located barb. But barb munchers we aren't for which your primary vision should be sim city based.


Thank you for your confirmation. We outgrow you so you cant possibly win.

Please check tw stats, you'll se we noble not more barbs than you do.

Exactly the same can be said from our side, that is if we change the name above to yours.

Outgrowing us ...!!!!ROFL
it seems history hasn't taught you anything or it seems you forget so easily...Let me remind you that when the war begun between G.F and Virtus( omg where is virtus??) G.F had 8m points while Virtus had 22m points....so outgrowing us will definetly not save you !!!:lol:
Back to barb buiding now gees
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Back to barb buiding now gees

If you see my conquer list you'll see I've only nobled 3 barbs out of 290 conquers since I got the account (And you, 91 out of 271). Say such false accusations again and you're simply lucky I aint in k56/57 and better hope I'll never get there, or your date of doom will be advanced dramatically!

Outgrowing us ...!!!!ROFL
it seems history hasn't taught you anything or it seems you forget so easily...Let me remind you that when the war begun between G.F and Virtus( omg where is virtus??) G.F had 8m points while Virtus had 22m points....so outgrowing us will definetly not save you !!!:lol:

Yes! Outgrowing you.


Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
outgrow - verb (SIZE) /ˌaʊtˈgrəʊ//-ˈgroʊ/ [T] (outgrew, outgrown)
to grow bigger than or too big for something


With that being said, I'll gently lead you to the following step in this logical reason.

Please re-read Deadmax's post above. Here's a >> clicky<< in case you get lost during this simple scroll-journay


Side 1:
Tribes: G.F
Side 2:
Tribes: -TV-

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 358
Side 2: 139
Difference: 219


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 3,067,381
Side 2: 1,140,188
Difference: 1,927,193
