The Book of JO Chapter Two Verses 1 till end:
2:1 and lo on the morning of the 23rd a strange visitation did occur on the map of W1nge and red did turn brown and the good folks of W1nge did cry out (those that were logged on) “Jo,Nibbles,Mighty Chen have any of you been playing with the maps as is your wont?!” 2:2 and the Jo,Nibbles and Mighty Chen did say no was not us but the work of the brave folks at GO and the ever so trusting Doggies. 2:3 and all looked and say that it was so and where once had been the land of Honey where the folk of W1nge did like to play was not a pot of Honey to be seen. 2:4 and now all there was to be seen was the (brave) folk of GO secretly stacking villas and pretending they weren't at war (as that would be super brave) and their ever so trusting allies known as DOGS erecting lampposts through this land trying to pretend that the brave folk of GO won't sell them out like last time and 2:5 all in W1nge did stand wroth that their targets had been removed by the brave folks of GO and the too trusting DOGS and did rent their clothes and sob at how former foes could now huggle in sight of them and 2:6 the Jo did shout “man up” folk of GO and declare war not bravely stack tribes you are supposed to be fighting (bravely though) and 2:7 tearing up the dusty tome marked Respect for GO and sighing slightly at the gullible DOGS did remark the map red and send out the tribe circular marked spearey nukes of doom and idly flicking through the pamphlet marked DOGS shared noble planner did chortle some.
Here endeth Chapter Two of the Book of JO
Chapter three entitled Keep those Doggies rolling will be hitting your newsstands shortly along with GO: A Brave history of How to Stack Tribes you are Fighting and How to Huggle.
Advance copies may be ordered by mailing the Mighty Chen and starting your mail, I wub You :icon_wink:
2:1 and lo on the morning of the 23rd a strange visitation did occur on the map of W1nge and red did turn brown and the good folks of W1nge did cry out (those that were logged on) “Jo,Nibbles,Mighty Chen have any of you been playing with the maps as is your wont?!” 2:2 and the Jo,Nibbles and Mighty Chen did say no was not us but the work of the brave folks at GO and the ever so trusting Doggies. 2:3 and all looked and say that it was so and where once had been the land of Honey where the folk of W1nge did like to play was not a pot of Honey to be seen. 2:4 and now all there was to be seen was the (brave) folk of GO secretly stacking villas and pretending they weren't at war (as that would be super brave) and their ever so trusting allies known as DOGS erecting lampposts through this land trying to pretend that the brave folk of GO won't sell them out like last time and 2:5 all in W1nge did stand wroth that their targets had been removed by the brave folks of GO and the too trusting DOGS and did rent their clothes and sob at how former foes could now huggle in sight of them and 2:6 the Jo did shout “man up” folk of GO and declare war not bravely stack tribes you are supposed to be fighting (bravely though) and 2:7 tearing up the dusty tome marked Respect for GO and sighing slightly at the gullible DOGS did remark the map red and send out the tribe circular marked spearey nukes of doom and idly flicking through the pamphlet marked DOGS shared noble planner did chortle some.
Here endeth Chapter Two of the Book of JO
Chapter three entitled Keep those Doggies rolling will be hitting your newsstands shortly along with GO: A Brave history of How to Stack Tribes you are Fighting and How to Huggle.
Advance copies may be ordered by mailing the Mighty Chen and starting your mail, I wub You :icon_wink: