Just don't be scared of these players trying to scare people away...
Rhino610 on 01.06. at 10:54
I am a very experienced player being in top ranks every world I join.
I recommend you go to Settings - Start Over.
Otherwise you will be cleared very quickly.
Komputaz today at 11:17
Not the best set of mail anyone wants ro recieve. You may be very experienced (I have not seen any proof) but doesn't mean you can go around sending mails like this. I am ranked 18th here and have over 1.8 million points on World 1, see me bragging about it? NO.
BECAUSE, this is a NEW world, a new world means a NEW start. Me and my members wanna enjoy this game and with mails like this you wont get on our best side.
I dont want any further problems on this but please do not be lead to believe that if you are in a bigger tribe tribe means you are stronger and everyone is afraid.
I was hoping for positive relations with your tribe but people like you seem to mess it up!
This message has been forwarded by Komputaz.
Rhino610 today at 11:19
You wont see any proof since I quit for my exams a couple months back.
But I played in the German Invasion with PP.
That's enough to tell you about my experience.
Komputaz today at 11:21
Uh huh, just as I thought, no proof...wanna prove yourself...
Offensive Nuke: Whats the best setup?
I dont want you to go in ur tribal forums and check or ask anyone else...You open the mail and reply...
Rhino610 today at 11:22
8k Axe
2.5k LC
Rhino610 today at 11:22
Of course you have about 250 Rams, maybe a few Cats.
But that is the main layout.
Rhino610 today at 11:23
Like I said though - Until a few days ago hadn't played in a couple months.
Komputaz today at 11:24
Course you hadnt, what level should your barracks be in a good village set out?
Komputaz today at 11:26
come on, you should answer that instantly! Shouldn't have to check that...
Rhino610 today at 11:26
Hq 20 (Possibly 23)
Barracks 25
Stable 18-23
Resource Pits all 30
Smithy 20
Farm 30
Warehouse (Depends on Activity)
Wall 20
Rhino610 today at 11:27
I was giving more information
Komputaz today at 11:28
Just what I thought, a NOOB!
Barracks, yes 25
Stable, ALWAYS 20, you said 20-23? It only goes up to 20 lol
Rhino610 today at 11:29
Like I said - Havn't played in a few months.
Hmm - What blog website is it which a lot of popular TW Players use to Blog stuff?
If I can remember - I can log onto my blog and send you the link.
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