Do you expect us to offer our inactives vils to other tribes? No? Well we have to internal them then :icon_rolleyes:
No one expects you to hand over your internals to other tribes (though if offer is there then we'd be happy too!!!) but when you say things like
Are you suggesting we aren't hitting red dots? I would advise you to look at how many troops you're losing to me alone. We're not the ones trying to race to 50 million, that's the way of the tribe unwilling to get there properly, you should send Fate packing and try to do it the proper way :lol:
when even now a lot of your tribe are playing sim city and just barb growing is difficult to see what other conclusions folks can make?! Now some Doggies are going for red dots but the majority of the tribe is internals or barbs only in their food bowls which makes your next point tough to be convinced by
As for the win condition, it's stupid imo, why can't we just fight it out until DOGS beat you fair and square?! There should be a better win condition, such as when a tribe owns 80% of all vils or something along those lines. UK worlds just seem to be getting shorter, not fair really when a lot of people are spending their hard earned dole money (ROFL) on pp, we expect to WIN, not be ahead by a little bit for at least 3 months...
Now stats are against you guys so moaning about a win condition that was known from before the world even opened is a bit silly. In fact it is a bit like saying you will beat us fair and square when behind in the stats.
Face facts my Doggie friends.
1: You knew the world win conditions so no moaning that some of us planned for it and some well barb munched. Of course feel free to mail Tracey saying, "Dear Tracey, we seem to be losing please please please can you change the world win conditions so we don;t lose and there are still some barbs in K55 my tribe haven't nobled yet as we find this fun and will pay premium for the pleasure. Wags tail.
2: You are losing this war, your leadership is encouraging your tribe to eat barbs to "slow down W1nge's" growth (yes we lolled when we saw that).
Now yesterday it seemed that both tribes had an op running (31-14 to DWF or so) but was fun so surely rather than posting why you munch your own internals we could all spend our energies on days like that?!
Or your lot can continue to barb munch and lose....
No w1nging about it though :icon_wink: