What's the proper procedure to give your account to someone else?


A tribemate of mine is giving his account away, as he has real life issues. My wife is going to take the account. I know I had seen on the .net server the procedure to do this legally. But I can't find it here. Can someone tell me the proper way to do this legally?


Have the old player tell your wife the password, and her only. When your wife receives the account change the password. Assuming you are on the same connection (as it is your wife), set-up the shared connection on both accounts once the previous has been done.

Might also pay to have your wife send in a ticket explaining what is going on.


I thought it involved sending in a ticket. Thanks for the info.


I thought it involved sending in a ticket. Thanks for the info.

Doesn't have to have a ticket, but under your circumstances with shared internet connection, it would save your skin from a silly multi-accoutn confusion, like i had with my borther on .net. (he lost 20 villages, i lost 13, his old account was better by the end)

Note: His old account was on a different world, he traded it (which i think was allowed at the time)


You just have to report it, but it might be seen as a double account if you both log on from the same computer etc..


You just have to report it, but it might be seen as a double account if you both log on from the same computer etc..

:icon_rolleyes: shared internet connection and a support ticket (both by both players) will sort that out