Breaking News!!!


<3 ~RP~ Nice PnP and oh my laaaaaawdy @ them reports
1 axe 1 noble ought to do the trick!


Just me who noticed case one had been tweaked? rams actually hit a second after the light cav....not that it makes it any better :p

10/10 for putting the effort into reviving not only the forums, but the zombie hordes!

Thanks, was screenshot of our internal forum so hadn't noticed the error. Actually makes a better read now i've corrected!


Side 1:
Tribes: ~RP~, ~RT~
Side 2:
Tribes: !TWZ!, !TWZ2!, !TWZ3!, !TWZ4!

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 31
Side 2: 3
Difference: 28


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 178,946
Side 2: 18,039
Difference: 160,907


I'm sure there are some "leavers" stats to put in here as well, but I can't be bothered to look for those people


could someone who has any form of communication please remind the horde of the undead that they are infact at war.

i know those barbarians put up a good fight but trust us ~RP~ will put up a better fight!


When all else fails, the recruit button is always a way to steady a sinking ship lol

Paul of Portland Joined 25th January 2015 - 21:27 5,259
Mrfezs Joined 24th January 2015 - 17:22 12,158
FrostyDY2 Joined 24th January 2015 - 17:22 9,810
JordanGaughann Joined 22nd January 2015 - 11:23 44,268
Flybinight Joined 21st January 2015 - 11:51 23,560
ardyboy52 Joined 20th January 2015 - 20:31 6,764
rideragedoom Joined 20th January 2015 - 01:27 3,517
zarg666 Joined 19th January 2015 - 15:32 5,473
buddytheelf Joined 18th January 2015 - 16:28 9,288
King MuhammadIII Joined 18th January 2015 - 13:22 12,721


When all else fails, the recruit button is always a way to steady a sinking ship lol

Paul of Portland Joined 25th January 2015 - 21:27 5,259
Mrfezs Joined 24th January 2015 - 17:22 12,158
FrostyDY2 Joined 24th January 2015 - 17:22 9,810
JordanGaughann Joined 22nd January 2015 - 11:23 44,268
Flybinight Joined 21st January 2015 - 11:51 23,560
ardyboy52 Joined 20th January 2015 - 20:31 6,764
rideragedoom Joined 20th January 2015 - 01:27 3,517
zarg666 Joined 19th January 2015 - 15:32 5,473
buddytheelf Joined 18th January 2015 - 16:28 9,288
King MuhammadIII Joined 18th January 2015 - 13:22 12,721

They are just speeding up the process of new recruits being rimmed.

Here is an example;
Rimmed less than 48 hours after joining and im more than confident in saying this player wasnt even supported.



Zombies, by their very nature, are rotten at fighting. What's more, if you hit them hard enough they really fall apart!


And another one dead

By my count that is 48 Full nukes, 30 1/2 Nukes and handful of ramless nukes, 20 something nobles and the kitchen sink.

This was the Point where they thought FECK! Not a single wall level! How?



No Walls were harmed in the making of this post.

ODD rank 3, cheers easy!! :)
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