DOT by Name, DOT by Nature


On the 10th of June, just shortly past the hour of 04:00:00, around 10 past the hour. The war commander over at ~DC~ declared war on the DOTS. The axemen, light cavalry and rams, rushed in, too with nobles, claiming what ground they could.

Terrain was rough, the journey warm and sweaty. However, when they arrived to there location, they were granted with cheers; the crowd, the villagers were filled with glee. Miv and there army in the south, conquered new land, under no threat from the enemy whatsoever! The DOTS merely become an end to a sentence now that ~DC~ have stepped forward in there push for supremacy of the world you play on.

The coming months will see the DOTS disappear for ~DC~ will become the victorious party in this mere war for continent 44/54. Miv's men are currently sharpening there spears for the backlash from a morale bashed DOT team! What will come of a lacklustre assault, only time will tell.

The stats so far show a story of destruction!

Side 1:
Tribes: ~DC~
Side 2:
Tribes: DOT, DOT2

Timeframe: Last 48 hours

Total conquers:

Side 1: 25
Side 2: 6
Difference: 19


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 14
Side 2: 2
Difference: 12


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 103,403
Side 2: 17,560
Difference: 85,843


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 67,712
Side 2: 8,805
Difference: 58,907


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Time frame of dots alliances and naps.

Dot fight with elite.
We have nap with elite.
We ask for nap with dot so we can help them with elite.
Dot refuse.
We silently gather our troops and attack dot.
Dot become allies with elite and elite drop nap with us.

Retarded in my eyes. Both tribes are as bad as each other. Trying to hug to other tribes is one thing but come on dot.....

Man up and fight us


Gotta give it to you, it's almost entirely true ;)
Time frame of dots alliances and naps.
Dot fight with elite.
We have nap with elite.
We ask for nap with dot so we can help them with elite.
Dot refuse.
So what your saying, is you make a NAP with a tribe, to then screw them over? ..
Think your right, we need to man up ;)


we may do that but least we dont start taking villages off a tribe then ask for hugs off them when the big boys get involved...


oh and why do you still not learn.... fakes look like real attacks henry when they land between 8am and midnight, sending them during the night is pointless and very noobish, please go back to dot school and learn how to play this game.... i feel sorry for madlung in dot, hes actually a decent player and he has to put up with doughnuts like you xD


Didn't hug anything.. I killed their attempts to recap the villages.. What happens afterwards, i leave to the counsil :)

You do enjoy getting personal don't you ;)
I'll fake when i want to fake, and yes, i attack at night to, im funny like that :)


i love you really thats why i get so personal with you xD

you can fake when you wanna fake doesnt bother me. you can send the fakes and ill send the big boy stuff......


GOD DAMNIT... The number of times you have to be corrected, when you are a foreigner xD
i love you really thats why i get so personal with you xD

you can fake when you wanna fake doesnt bother me. you can send the fakes and ill send the big boy stuff......

Good to know xD

Yeah i noticed.. You are all about points ain't you ;)


i was referring to the you send the small fakes and ill send the big nukes and trains, i never once mentioned points.....


Fair enough ;)
Well.. Good fight to you, wish you all the best...Or... :)



They're going down, we are yelling timber..dadada
You have to many nobles Snipe, you are not meant to use them on yourself ;)
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Narh.. A small sit back, DC wont fall apart.
And yea, SnS have alot of nobles, you should try it, it's fun ;)


Sure?.. It looks worse and worse don't it :)
Ohh nobles i have, but not enough to play like this ;)


Deleted User - 393211


Noblemen could be classed as defensive with stats like that ;)


Very expensive noble, but stops you catting smithy, HQ or even academy.

You cant moan at someone defending with Noble if you attack with spears?!?