Questions Round

  • Thread starter DeletedUser13811
  • Start date


I like this thread in the 29 forums, so I'm bringing it to here to. The idea is simple you answer the question and then leave a question of your own.

Which tribe looks most promising at this moment to win world 30?

Marcus the Mad

Senior Forum General
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Because some people prefer to always take player villages.

Who is the player in your neighbourhood you're most aware of?

Maggie Wallis

Well-Known Member
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Mancunia.... I can spend hours happily starring at my profile......

Where's my flag?...


But why isn't nobling a barb the obvious thing to do when taking a 300 point player village may surely lead to a loss of 3 or 4 troops?....

(Either question can be answered or both... or just make up your own rules...)
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The answer to that question isn't quite simple because it's subjective and circumstantial. Some of the pros of conquering barbarian villages over player-owned villages include minimal losses (short-term and medium-term e.g. losses by retaliating allies), location convenience (if applicable), and bonus features (if applicable). Some of the pros of conquering the latter over the former include reduced threat to expansion, greater farming efficiency, generally higher levelled buildings, and convenience (if applicable).

Anyway, why conquer players and barbs when you can always internally noble? ;)


Because your limited on internals by how many tribe-mates you have or had....

How much pp do you reckon Linakus and the top 5 have used?

Maggie Wallis

Well-Known Member
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That would depend upon how many troops they have... I would estimate that it would be possible to buy a village, a noble and cap a barb for around 10K pp.... troops would cost extra...

What's the best rank someone could be right now without spending any PP....

Maggie Wallis

Well-Known Member
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IMO FA and Prem account are minimum requirements... Selling res on one world to buy on another is still PP abusing... Selling res to spend PP to cut build times, for example, on the same world, is good account management...


Probably not with you, otherwise you wouldn't be asking for it. Have you tried looking in the barracks? Maybe one of your spearfighters ran off with it.

What's your opinion on UK30 family tribes and which of the top 5 do you think have the best chance of survival?
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Maggie Wallis

Well-Known Member
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It hasn't arrived... :(

Family Tribes = Food

Hated will go far...

Did I reply to your last IGM?....


Don't Hated have a second tribe?

And no, you didn't reply to my last IGM. You didn't even open it. Public humiliation waaaah

Maggie Wallis

Well-Known Member
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Are you suggesting I contradicted myself?...

I suspected that there was a ulterior motive for your Mails, also, CBA... Was I right?...

(Yeah I know, two questions... I'm rebellious like that...)


Not really. Maybe you like to hug it out too :p

And no ulterior motive, just a bit of chit chat. But if there was an ulterior motive, what would it be? I'm intrigued.

(I notice a certain someone is in need of wood, which brings me to my next question. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Two questions in one. I too like to live on the edge)
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Active Member
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Possibly trying to work out your active/inactive periods so he can use them against you in future stages.

Which top 5 players are likely to go far in this world? (in the person answering opinion)