Rate the player above!


Just for Erich. Rate the player above, world 27 account.
Evert point, rate out of 10

Total out of 60.

I currently play Foxtrot account on W27



Points 8/10 very high for late start - still has BP
Rank 8/10 is same thing as before, because of late start
ODA 3/10 no ODA which isnt a bad thing so gave 3 points :D
Profile 5/10 average
Tribe 5/10 looks very average
Skill ?/10 yet to see

Not gonna add them up because it always gives a wrong impression / representation

Ign : Randyyy


Points 8/10 not bad but still early and alot using PP
Rank 8/10 not too important at this stage
ODA 8/10 good ODA so far clearly has some off troops
Profile 6/10 abit plain but nothing wrong with that
Tribe 3/10 not too good so far but things change still ealry
Skill ?/10 no idea i better check your previous worlds for a incline




Points: 7/10 Troops are more important which I'm sure he has plenty of.
Rank: 7/10 As above.
ODA: 5/10 Middle of the road as none gained which isn't always bad.
Profile: 7/10
Tribe: 8/10 Some good players in there.
Skill: 10/10 : )




Points: 8/10 Nice work there.
Rank: 8/10 R31. Not too bad, but I expected you to be higher tbh.
ODA: N/A/10 Clearly saving your troops.
Profile: 5/10
Tribe: 9/10 R2 tribe with R1 ODA, but I only recognise 2/3 players in your tribe. Time will show how long your tribe will stick around.
Skill: 9.5/10
Stats don't show everything though ;)

Rate Erich Hartmann



Points: 8/10 Nice work there.
Rank: 8/10 R31. Not too bad, but I expected you to be higher tbh.
ODA: N/A/10 Clearly saving your troops.
Profile: 5/10
Tribe: 9/10 R2 tribe with R1 ODA, but I only recognise 2/3 players in your tribe. Time will show how long your tribe will stick around.
Skill: 9.5/10
Stats don't show everything though ;)

Rate Erich Hartmann

Just skip over me don't worry ; )



Points: 7/10 Troops are more important which I'm sure he has plenty of.
Rank: 7/10 As above.
ODA: 5/10 Middle of the road as none gained which isn't always bad.
Profile: 7/10
Tribe: 8/10 Some good players in there.
Skill: 10/10 : )


Why do you want GT ranked, are you boosting his account?


I'm on the account, if you believe we are boosting then please put a ticket in to support.
I had heard you boosted early on on 24 though Insomnia, thought you'd keep yourself quiet.


He was simply asking........
@Jamie pp spending?!?! I'll take that as a compliment
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I'm on the account, if you believe we are boosting then please put a ticket in to support.
I had heard you boosted early on on 24 though Insomnia, thought you'd keep yourself quiet.

Who is playing =The Devil= account then who is next door to GT? Looks dodgy ngl...

I bet GT told you we boosted lol, typical


Send a ticket in then, I really don't think anyone cares what you think, put a ticket in and find out if there's something dodgy going on.

Was actually another player who still plays 24 told me ; )

Ban Hammer

Active Member
Reaction score
and back onto topic

Erich Hartmann
Points: 6/10 --> started 2 days later than myself so not too bad.
Rank: 6/10 --> Again started late Not too bad, but I reckon you could be a littler higher.
ODA: 0/10 --> Clearly haven't cleared anyone so must be saving your troops?
Profile: 4/10 --> Bit plain links to another worlds stats.
Tribe: 7/10 --> seem to have a good core base of players being rank 6 in points and 14th in ODA but you have less total tribe ODA than me as a single player :s
Skill: 9/10 --> Previous world stats show you can play late game and i've played start up with you on previous worlds.

Account to Rate for me --->
Nebulous Sprayz

Marcus the Mad

Senior Forum General
Speed Admin
Reaction score
Guys, if you want to discuss something, do it in an appropriate thread for it.

Keep this one on topic, if you want to say something short you can do this (like one or two lines) but the core of this thread is to rate and discuss other players' accounts on world 27.


Guys, if you want to discuss something, do it in an appropriate thread for it.

Keep this one on topic, if you want to say something short you can do this (like one or two lines) but the core of this thread is to rate and discuss other players' accounts on world 27.

Didn't see a account name mate :icon_cry:

Deleted User - 393211

Nebulous Sprayz

Points: 7/10 Could be more given start date, but not important as I imagine you'd have lots of ponies by now
Rank: 7/10 same as above, high ranks are there cause of pp
ODA: 7/10 High ODA personally not a fan this early but at least it shows you have troops
Profile: 7/10 Quite simple, like the comeback in the spoiler
Tribe: 9/10 Some good players in there, good position and can imagine the tribe sticking around, oh and not a family tribe so uno
Skill: 9/10 very good player, haven't seen much of your co so can't give a 10




Points: 7/10 - Not bad, but I know what this account can do, so should be doing better. Location wise, should be higher as not too many threats. However, decent to start date.
Rank: 7/10 - Pretty much above.
ODA: 4/10 - Should be doing more with your area, having said that, make the slightly bigger members work the area for you to capitalise upon. Small ODA at your size can be favourable.
Profile: 6/10 - Like the picture, apart from that nothing much more to say.
Tribe: 8|10 - Have a decent set of players, but can the leaders but up to the task with some such big names, with big egos? Will they take it seriously? If they can and do, then yeah, real good chance with your continent. Expect big things early to mid game with some offensive players in there.
Skill: 7/10 - From past worlds can see offensive power and can grow fast enough to cause a nuisance. If the account is played to its potential, it can be a huge success. But will they be up for another world?

Rate: Foxtrot
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Deleted User - 393211

Can't disagree with anything there ;)

Did you leave out the skill rating as to not offend me ;)



: Started a day or two before (hi neighbour!), but being 3 players on the accounts I still feel like it could be bigger, saying that I don't know if he is whoring troops or not, 6/10.

Rank: 6/10 Not bad, could be better with 3 on the account but given the late start it's pretty good!
ODA: I mean, it's hard to rate OD early on, I would favor someone having a low OD than someone with a lot so 5/10 I guess since it's impossible to rate right now.
Profile: Nothing fancy, 4/10 some copypasta and a picture from google
Tribe: Relatively spread out, could if left alone be a problem later on, but far too spread out for my liking, could be easily put out a few of their members if a tribe would want to as support will be late to land
Skill: 7/10 looking at past worlds, however I try not to look at past worlds that much as things change. Also, lots of market trades, PP Exchange? negative Points for that!

All in all, seems to be a great set of players that you probably should keep an eye on ;)