Top 5 Tribes


Like when everyone seemed to overestimate you for some reason

as you sink below the ranks....


You really like us for some reason, having never spoke to you ingame I have no idea why you are so fixated on the *GT account.


Well this looks like it isn't true anymore.. We are still here? Maybe you overestimated your own capabilities.

No your now 1 tribe, we haven't done 2 ops since I posted, well I'm sure we haven't, but you have panicked into 1 tribe for sure. You've let our top member into an area which will benefit him and cause you nightmares.... Maybe I overestimated our capabilities, maybe we haven't properly gone for it


Yep people overestimate me. Part of the game : ) That's why you restarted on the other side of the world

OH, no sorry you were just thinking of selling PP and felt the need to restart to play before BP ended

Like I have said many times, we started to sell PP and our next world intention was w28. W24 wrapped up a lot quicker than expected so thought we might as well play 27. We were way too behind in our area as we hadn't upgraded and so re started on the rim and went from there. Might i add we are now rank 2, 73k points (30% more than you) after the late start we had as well as the fact we didn't have a push account, spend any PP and have had less internals than you. Please don't try and suggest we re started out of fear of you being near us, i mean come on nobody is going to believe that BS.

You really like us for some reason, having never spoke to you ingame I have no idea why you are so fixated on the *GT account.

And well I'm not wrong am I...


You ran scared, simple as that.

Nobody is going to believe you restarted before BP end because you were 'too far behind' whilst growing your village to sell resources.

But then again, nobody probably cares about your excuses, or your ego and how far it stretches.. I certainly don't.

I think that's your problem, nobody talks about you unless it's for a bad reason and your ego doesn't like it :(


Why would i have restarted then? Hahah I think there is an issue with your ego if you actually believe i restarted after selling pp to move away from you? And of course no one else in the TW community including my enemies would believe it either (maybe except for your co).

It's pretty clear i wouldn't have been able to compete with farming or taking initial targets if the players around me are 2-4k when i have 300 points 2+ weeks in...


I know you're an awesome player Insomnia, I've never played with or against you but you do talk one hell of a good game.

I particularly like how you measure your own success against the failings or successes of the GT account, myself...I just like to play the game and do as well as I possibly can do, I don't check TW stats of players half way across the world from me, frankly because I don't care.

We really should chat ingame, atleast then our love for eachother will be kept private rather than these public displays of affection.

Deleted User - 393211

Ha ;)

Never rimmed. Snaked. There is a difference and I only had that twice in all the worlds and servers I played :).

Never been rimmed aye ;) was just basically rimmed by a tribe outside the top 10, no matter how you play it baz you've been rimmed twice out of the 3 worlds I have met you on ;)


Never been rimmed aye ;) was just basically rimmed by a tribe outside the top 10, no matter how you play it baz you've been rimmed twice out of the 3 worlds I have met you on ;)

Where has he gone now? Athens attacked plus took a village, and so he didn't get rimmed has run off. Probably another long story to why he lost it, and why he didn't actually lose it. I thought he was a skilful player? Or am I missing something here? Oh yeah classic started up, bet that's the excuse


lets drag this back to being on topic.......

Rank 1 W00t Points 3.516.267 Members 28. ODA rank 1 ODD Rank 2 War Ratio 4.8

My tribe so of course could not possibly comment.....!

Rank 2 Dribble Points 2,952,918 Members 28 ODA rank 3 ODD Rank 3 War Ratio 14

Done a great job in securing their K though they have let FUN eat all the barbs so might give them a little indigestion if they try and eat through them with the world settings as they are. Not a tribe for declaring war mind which is a shame as war stats V Belly are 47 to 25 in their favour.

Got some good players in their tribe and sad to see an ex UK3 player leave them recently. With their position they really should be able to move up a gear and stamp their authority over the tribes opposing them. If they can do this quickly life looks rosy for them if not then maybe they will struggle late game.

Rank 3 Belly Points 2,903,117 Members 30 ODA rank 6 ODD Rank 5 War Ratio 3

Up against Dribble their ODD being nearly 1 million higher than their ODA shows where their main issue lies. Will need to start throwing their nukes around if they are to come off best against Dribble. Maybe even declare on them so can easily see which of their members are up to scratch and which alas not. Lots of internals going on which is not going to help BUT positionally they are in good shape and if led well can really make any tribe attacking them lives a misery.

I see lots of isolated dribble that could be easily wiped up and free up def for their front lines. A few good ops could really make a difference or if they have members not pulling their weight a quick cull might do them the power of good. Player wise a few old faces in there. My worry is if the Dribble spots are dug in in their back lines could be very messy for them. This tribe really needs to make its mark now on this world or become just a sidenote on the UK27 story.

Rank 4 DC Points 2.231.460 Members 30 ODA Rank 2 ODD Rank 2 War Ratio 0.6

Former chart toppers now in spot 4 and at war with the Dotties and W00t their position looks much more secure after W00t removed their outlying members and kindly allowed them to concentrate on K44.....

They have a good mix of opportunity and watch outs but our well led and have the core of players to carry out tribal ops well. If they tread carefully they will do very well but have shown that they can get a nasty surprise from other tribes when they thought would be a push over.

Have had a few internals and might see a few more but this is a dangerous tribe but one that I feel has not really shown its full potential. Struggling against the DOT family does not look good after their tough talking on these externals. Still they are plodding away and TW is a marathon not a sprint so with their spread made to work to their advantage will continue to grow if not yet to impress.

Rank 5 DOT Points 2,003,152 Members 30 ODA Rank 4 ODD Rank 6 War Ratio 1.1

Set upon by DC the Dotties surprised I think a few folk by taking the initial op on the chin and then counterattacking and taking back a lot of the ground lost. Merging their family into one can only help their cause with support requests and war stats wise is 19-18 to DC.

Positionally they need to smart with diplomacy but have a huge frontline to cover with DC which can be made to work well for them. If DC are put under pressure on other fronts I think they can do very well indeed. Player wise they have a mix of great, ok and not so great but so far have shown that tribe is greater than self and that attitude can take them far. Their high ODA might show Belly a thing or two about how to get ahead on this world.

Ok that ends my quick summary of the Top Five. Feel free to make any corrections or thoughts known but nicely please!

Deleted User - 393211

It was my review of your recruitment policy ;)

I rate many players in the tribe, just not the taking in refugee's


Top 5


Rank 1

Clear to be seen that DRBL are in the lead with 3 million of points difference over positions 2 and 3 and although the tribe has had huge internalings, they have effectively their respective k dominated and seem now to be shifting towards k54 into Dot lands.

Winky Pixie seems to have a good handle on the way he operates his tribal movements and is easily one of the Top Contenders for the Final Rankings with both his account and his tribe. From the little dealings we have had he seems a genuinely decent guy.

Also the First tribe to have 1000 villages. Fair plays :)

Rank 2

Do seem to have got the act together a bit but it could be too little too late, With only little over 50% of their respect K(54) dominated and DRBL closing in at 23.49%, i feel hard times are ahead of DOT if they want to remain in the Top 5.

I know little to nothing about these guys but i have heard a few good reports about some of their members so it will be interesting to see how these guys move forwards. There is a lot of Internalings going on im wondering if this is guna become a problem.

Rank 3

Currently at position 3 is w00t but i can not see this being the case for long.

I have played with these guys/girls and i know they are an excellent group with very strong leadership. They will always be among Top Teams to Win any world they enter, I would say becareful if you are on the opposing side but then again there isn't much point you are already in trouble or gone.

Rank 4

Coming in a steady 4th is ~DC~, With 5 million pts they seem to be holding well in the Top 5 but with 2 fairly secure Tribes (EWG/DOT) encroaching in their lands and w00t to their east these guys have a tough time ahead maintaining the security of their respective k and indeed remaining in the Top 5 for the foreseeable future.

This is another group of guys i dont know much about but there is a few good players that i know of in this tribe, although i know they have good players i dont not feel they have the same class as w00t nor do i feel they will be able to maintain a prolonged war due to the class of some of their smaller members, Faced with this and the need to be able to push out EWG i cant see them maintaining the same course of action for much longer. There is no doubt a lot of talk happening behind the scence with this group and how they are going to maintain what they have or at least keeping their strongest still going. I see Mergers on the Horizon.

Rank 5

And Finally we have F.U.N from the outlook of this small tribe things do not look so good, I can not see this Tribe remaining much longer, Surrounded by the Top 3 teams there is little to no expansion for them, With out Diplomacy i am sure this tribe would no longer be around.

Although i have played with some of these Guys and i know they have the ability to be one of the Top Teams,i feel things are at a point where they cant not survive much longer without seeking to merger. With such a small group and having been hemmed in by the bigger tribes the future do not look so good for the Tribe F.U.N

Probs a poor effort on my behalf of giving a Top 5 but i thought why not if nothing it will hopefully spark interest in this thread again an we may get some better reviews, like LightyJo's her are awesome lol
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