What makes a good leader


What makes a good leader?

Obviously this is a very subjective term and many will argue its based on a person by person basis. For example a leaders actions might be deemed good by one person but very poor by another.

Therefore would you define a good leader as one who is able to please the majority of his members?

Surely though if all of your decisions are to please the most people then all of your decisions are being made by the masses ad in effect you are not really leading at all, nothing more than a puppet, a voice acting out the choices like some sadistic screen play.

You could argue a good leader is one who is able to make choices to benefit the majority of their tribe, even the difficult ones. You could argue a good leader is one who puts their tribe before themselves every step of the way.

The point is, what makes a Good leader is very subjective, perhaps what is more evident is what makes a bad leader.

- A bad leader makes decisions that benefit only themselves.

- A bad leader is one who treats their members like meat shields, throwing them away to their enemies to save themselves

- A bad leader is one who ignores their tribe thinking they know best

- A bad leader is one who thinks their is a one size fits all solution to every problem

- A bad leader is one who ignores the problems of their tribe members individually

- A bad leader is one who thinks their members are just one voice rather than listening to each members individual view

- A bad leader is one who ignores their tribes internal problems hoping they will go away

Of course, there are some places where what makes a bad leader is very subjective too.

Got any to add to my list? Disagree with any points i have made? Feel free to tell me why!


Matt is the epitome of a good leader, just copy him.



A poor leader surrounds himself with poor people.


Il add some things to your list, although i completely agree with you - its extremely difficult to define a good leader as we expect them to do the right thing, make the best choices but the right/best thing to do in a situation is very difficult to determine.

There will nearly always be someone with a completely different opinion but there are some attributes that every good leader needs to have in my opinion, and thats dedication, determination and ability to communicate succesfully.

Heres some of the points that can be added to your list of a "bad leader"

- someone who only does enough things to get by ( as a leader you need to do that extra bit in order to progress and if you wont than how are you expecting anyone else to? )

- someone who takes credit for the success but blames someone else for the failures ( as a leader youre responsible for both )

- someone who cant adapt to a changing environment ( situations, distributuon of power, tribes etc. Things Change all the time and you need to make sure youre ready for it )

- someone who is more concentrated on surviving than growth ( obviously sometimes you need to concentrate on survival but in a long run you need to have the want to grow not just settling with the way things are )


This idea was stemmed from watching the 364 v 35 thread initially, thought id extend the discussion to a more general approach!


yh I saw that thread, immediately saw it was BS and didn't bother opening it.

Anyone else wannah smoke and a pancake?