[DISCUSSION] Winter Event 2012 ~ What did you think?


[sa]Please discuss here what you thought of the winter event (Announcement Link)

Did you participate?

What did you think?

Would you like to see more custom events in the future?

What would you like to see in any custom events?

Tell us your thoughts and ideas!

All information you give us will passed onto the developers of the game to take into consideration for any future events so your feedback is important to us, and also to you, so post here and let us know what you think![/sa]


I thought it was good. . provided a source of resources during the breaks also that helped me grow anyway.


I prefered it to having normal barbs, it was great it seemed to add a new element to the game :)


Gonna be honest, I was too busy over the Christmas holidays to take part. So don't really mind either way!


Definitely took part, would be a huge disadvantage not to. Would also like to see more, although I have to wonder if adding custom events to the middle of a world in progress is good for the balance, especially if they have bugs, like I heard these did at first.

I think my main wish was that I didn't have so many spare furs, and that I could have used different bonuses in different villages.

Biggest problem is feeling sorry for those who wished to use the attack break to spend time with their families over Christmas, but ended up not to farm Vikings! :lol:


Well seeing as W12 is over it gave me a way of killing troops and improving my ODA no end so I was a fan.


It was a good idea. Because I was still developing, most of the viking villages were small so I didn't incur the losses others did. They did get bigger but by then I knew what I was doing. It relieved some of the boredom of the attack break and definitely allowed me to grow more rapidly than I would have otherwise.

However, it seems that mounted archers were the best troops to use in viking camps and not all worlds have these.., so I'd suggest a change to that policy.

I too had enough furs to keep me going with bonuses for a month.., shame to see them go to waste although of course the resources were very useful lol.

Yes please, more of this kind of thing would be much appreciated. It livened up the game considerably.


I participated and liked the feature which increased the building speed, particularly as it was during an attack free time, which enabled the strength of the villa to be increased.


i enjoyed it just wished sum would of appeared next to me


Thought it was great. Needed to think about how and when to attack them to make sure it was worth it and a nice little bonus to boot. Also gave us at least one way of gaining a little extra during the attack breaks.


It was fun and fair I think that players could farm vikings without pressure and enjoy the holidays at the same time.


Sorry to disagree with the above, and admitting that I am only half playing on w13, I thought they were a silly distraction.
TW needs to go back to the basic, non premium assisted worlds.


I totally agree with the above comment. I am not a fan of flag worlds or premium assisted worlds, they spoil the game for those who can't pay out lots of money. Granted to really play the game as a big account you need to pay for at least the premium account but not all of us can afford to keep paying money in to the game when we have to use that money for real life stuff.

Flags worlds are unfair and unbalanced becuase of this especially when the last couple of worlds have been flag worlds. It's time to bring in some fresh old world style settings such as archers and churches with no extra premium features than the standard ones.



Love it, free easy oda aswel as nice new fur coats and ressies.

Would love to see it more often, only thing i did not like was i had so many furs but not enough time to spend them all, maybe allow accounts to spend what they win before removing, instead of putting a date to be spent by


Can't help my self ... must post ..... again. Very, very, last post, I swear! Though it will be nice to finish with a constructive 1 at least.

If they are to become a regular feature I hope there could be a pop-up or table of the types of unit you will encounter -similar to those that appear when you click on the units in the smithy, that include their attack(if applicable) capabilities and their defense, general and cavalry - included with the circular mail
and or forum announcement.

Some folks had encountered the vikings on .net and knew that they were very similar in strength to spears others had not and I know a number of people lost large numbers of lc by not knowing what they were dealing with. Working it out through trial and error was costly to many for something that I believe was supposed to be little more than a distraction. This had relatively no impact on w12 but I am sure it did affect a number of players on other worlds once normal game play resumed.

The " If ", at the start of my post though, is a very big 1 for me. The Christmas attack breaks were introduced to give everybody worry free time off from competing which more often than not, we continue to do from little more than habit.

Though I wonder how many worried that they were being out farmed while they tried to relax? :icon_twisted:

I know I gave up trying and spent way too much time for my liking farming the vikings. :icon_redface:


Brill, gave me something to target over the break rather than visiting. Good collection for resources, shame had furs left though; maybe could exchange spare for resources or something for the game like premium points.

Will derfinately play again if they continue.

Make the vikings weaker as lost lots of axes especially as trying to build up troops.....