3Lions vs Chaos!


This is my first declaration so dont expect too much from me lol

Chaos! have been attempting to rim us for weeks, quite unsuccessfully.

I could make this declaration full of insults and bad mouthing of the chaos! tribe but ill leave that to them its what they do best :icon_wink: I myself like to try and be at least a bit respectful too ther people.

The long n the short of it is 3Lions are fighting back, and we will continue to fight to the death.

I fully expect a whole thread of insults and slagging off etc from chaos! so it could turn out to be a very interesting read for everyone

watch this space :icon_twisted:

Elnika Duchess 3lions
See,Hear,Be silent

Side 1:

Tribes: 3LIONS

Side 2:
Tribes: Chaos!

Timeframe: Last 48 hours

Total conquers:

Side 1: 25
Side 2: 14
Difference: 11


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 4
Side 2: 3
Difference: 1


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 130,340
Side 2: 57,354
Difference: 72,986


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 27,263
Side 2: 19,012
Difference: 8,251



Thanks guys i know its not as spectacular as other members fantastic declarations


thats all i wanted to do lol we only started hitting back yesterday, but ill put more info up as it comes


Good stats, keep it up on both sides, i expect alot from both of you ;)


good work elnika. pnp obv not fantastic but it gives the basic details everyone wants to know so as a first attempt congrats.

good luck to both sides in this one.

(as a neutral though i've got to kinda support 3 lions...what with the world cup coming up an' all....its only right eh?)


Chaos! better hope that their internal management doesn't turn chaotic ;)


LOL well i think they getting it from all sides not just us so you may be right


Sorry Elnika but 3Lions dont stand a chance.

For a tribe which has been around since near the beginning of W1 your ODA is rather Pathetic. Compared to Chaos!'s ODA which is already much higher. Tell me do your members even know how to send Nukes? Do they have any?

Your highish ODD indicates you are good at taking nukes, which you are. 3lions are notorious for sitting on the fence , and not knowing what to do.

I took 3 villages off 3Lions and didn't even receive a mail from you guys, seems like a more of an "every man for himself" attitude your running.

Chaos! leadership/camaraderie on the other hand is fantastic, but why tell you this, youll shortly find out for yourselves.

The fact is your biggest players are fighting some of our smaller players, and are just leading the conquers. Wait till some Big Chaos! members move in, and i can guarantee it will be a different matter altogether.

Lastly the members of Chaos have been involved in wars for as long as i can remember, even before Chaos was made all our members have been involved in wars in their respective tribes, we are so used to it now , this doesn't worry us at all =P

We've over come our time of Chaos! now its your turn.

IGN is oaks.

Proud member of Chaos!

3Lions changes.

sebkinno Left 23rd April 2010 - 23:10 0
southpaw Left 23rd April 2010 - 23:10 0
kylem700 Left 23rd April 2010 - 23:10 3,362
markk1995 Left 23rd April 2010 - 23:10 10,905
nickgarrett1980 Joined 21st April 2010 - 20:20 57,271
zion22 Left 19th April 2010 - 17:02 162,167
gear Left 15th April 2010 - 03:27 16,323
judder Left 15th April 2010 - 03:27 0
ejaculater Left 14th April 2010 - 11:05 0
mouse-keyboard Left 13th April 2010 - 23:35 152,627
nickgarrett1980 Left 13th April 2010 - 23:35 54,993
wwetrane Left 12th April 2010 - 10:43 162,582
king jimmy Left 07th April 2010 - 01:00 4,450
ss123 Left 06th April 2010 - 19:00 5,382
king jimmy Joined 05th April 2010 - 19:00 4,429
Peachy Joined 05th April 2010 - 16:00 2,864
Andrusal Left 03rd April 2010 - 13:00 1,660
Lycurgus Left 02nd April 2010 - 01:00

Lots of people leaving. Things a little unstable? =P

The real stats :icon_rolleyes:

Side 1:
Tribes: Chaos!

Side 2:
Tribes: 3LIONS

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers:

Side 1: 859
Side 2: 1,841
Difference: 982


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 49
Side 2: 11
Difference: 38


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 3,584,350
Side 2: 5,256,374
Difference: 1,672,024


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 249,909
Side 2: 74,106
Difference: 175,803

Last edited by a moderator:


lol, not to mention chaos hasnt even been focusing their full attention on 3lions too..

and by the way they can send nukes apparently.. 1500 spear, 16 nobles and then nuke to follow with more spear


Unfortunately Chaos! also have *FW* & family to deal with.

Side 1:
Tribes: *FW* Riffs

Side 2:
Tribes: Chaos!

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 111
Side 2: 10
Difference: 101


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 855,482
Side 2: 41,298
Difference: 814,184



FW our most glorious ex-allies.....who decided to attack Chaos! without warning and on the most pathetic of excuses.

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 13:42
Is this a declaration of war with this attack on us?



johnnylocks on 09.04. at 13:44
no declaration has been made
im am concerned at the amount of attack villages in regarded safe areas you have

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 13:51
Most of the attack villages are remnants from the war as far as I know,all players to the south have been told to concentrate on defense for supporting the front with EXP.
You`re welcome to scout my 7 vills there,all def except a scout vill and one off vill and if there were
any intentions towards you they`d all be offensive.

johnnylocks on 09.04. at 13:58
as you will most def be aware out of all the scouting going on i have not moved any troops as yet.
ultmately anything that goes on in k87 i have to take responsibility for as i control and co-ordinate it also traven attacks though not ordered i also have to take as hes in my squad also.
which i have to answer to the other barons and council also to my leader.
riffs also come under me.
everytime things seem to be going in the right direction something or someone usually the same people seem to have to give there opinion if you could stop them mailing people in little or no power positions and direct them to me

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 14:07
Yes and I know you haven`t as yet and I`m responsible for my tribe too but only answer to the dukes being co-leader.

I take it you`re referring to dambuster in this matter or you could even be referring to me as I speak to a few of your tribe members...

What I want is this scouting to stop and the shared forum back so we can all work together against the common enemy.

johnnylocks on 09.04. at 14:15
primarily i answer only to tim but have to respond or explain to the council.
things are been discussed as we speak.
ive had discussions and dissagreements in the past with DD but hes a decent person.but dambuster is a liability be careful with his comments never helps anything

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 14:22
What exactly do you want from this though?
All I want is the alliance back and us both to start co-operating again.
At the least could you halt all attacks until this is resolved?

DD`s a good duke and the best to talk/negotiate with,dambuster is more impetuous...

johnnylocks on 09.04. at 14:26
attacks have been stopped.
scouting will continue but only on a individual basis if a player feels threatened by chaos in churchyard or recently claimed barbs which seem to be popping up everywhere so im told.
a nap is been discussed not an alliance
also i see darchearts vill are being nobled there is a cluster in the centre of us what use to you would they be? i see tick is taking them i presume these will be defence if not then i will want to know why

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 14:36
If there is a possibility of a nap you should halt the scouting as well,we have the same problem with our churches being invaded too,a shared planner would stop problems like this.

Darc has had to leave due to rl and allocated the vills out.
I will inform tick of the position and ask him to restrict what he takes to def only with one off vill in five for home protection as I do.

johnnylocks on 09.04. at 14:38
will keep you informed

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 14:39
I`ll await your mail.

johnnylocks on 09.04. at 17:37
dont pussyfoot around me be honest i will
[player]cricketrulz[/player]has opened up attacks we can argue the right and wrongs of this all day
i told you no more attacks would come in i was honest.
yet report after report of attack vills this last one next to mine yet no enemy in sight

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 19:40
Bear with me just got on.I`ll check see what`s going on and get straight back to you.

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 19:47
I think we both ought to call a complete stop to all this before it does break out into war,this constant scouting is causing a greater rift and I won`t be able to stop retaliatory attacks on the players still attacking us.

johnnylocks on 09.04. at 19:56
i will not stand by while you tell me something different than i already know you wont get your nap before they attack whether you tell them to or not.
i said take back the vill traven took but kingtovey do it not half the tribe, cricketrulz has attacked as predicted after i said no more attacks

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 20:04
have you spoken to darkdragon about this yet?

I understand he explained our position and I haven`t checked every players account to see where and what they have in their vills,do you?
As long as they fight players can have their off vills where-ever,I like mine on the front-lines some keep the vills the way they were built.
I`m sorry but the vill in question I have had no dealings with so I cannot make comment.

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 21:05
I have heard a rumour that you are about to declare/first strike on us?

Are you going to war us for EXP because they`re the only ones who`ll gain long term while we`re weakening both tribes...

johnnylocks on 09.04. at 21:08
now where did you hear that?

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 21:15
I asked the question and I have many sources of info not just in FW..

johnnylocks on 09.04. at 21:19
give me your source and il give you a straight answer
told you before im honest dont go behind anyones back

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 21:29
would you reveal your sources...don`t think so.

I`m honest too and would`ve expected a straight answer from you.
I`ll ask again,is it war or not,simple :)

johnnylocks on 09.04. at 21:50
no i wouldnt but i know yours
my staright answer is YES i have ordered the attacks
my troops are yet to move i await your big guns
not your little players.
so your intel is correct il also avoid ex13 as long as they stay out of my way

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 21:55
thank you for the straight answer and well done for playing on EXP`s side.

johnnylocks on 09.04. at 21:58
dont worry about exp this is us now the k87 battleground lets see what you got as in dambusters words and lord jb you can do this and that and we are points whores so lets put it to the test il think you will find my boys are not point whores thats why tim regards us so high

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 22:02
This is so bloody stupid though...and I`m not responsible for what other players say and believe me this is going to make exp`s job so much easier and for no real reason...

johnnylocks on 09.04. at 22:09
i dont hold you responsible i have had alook on your forums i know the feelings.
dont get me wrong i would embrace half of your tribe given the chance but unfortunately there is a element that do there best no matter to upturn the apple cart i can no longer trust these people even thou i gave benefit of doubt at the beginning even after crossing swords.
i have bent over backwards time and time again allowing things to go on i asked for certain things to day and again just went on and done them i waited for cricketrulz to do what he stated he will do before taking this decision it wasnt taken lightly

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 22:19
well that`s no surprise given the amount of players who left us to join you...
I presume you refer to ex-tud members?
If you had problems why haven`t you approached us before now instead of letting things build up?

johnnylocks on 09.04. at 22:28
you cant really think discussions or swipes havent took place many have taken place with dambuster at the forefront we have had several convo
the usual trick is to mail lower players then i have to speak for them constant stream of threats thou i must say when ever i mail he doesnt threaten me i wonder why.
same can be said for several other players.
il say it has it is whether a 1 vill player or a 200 vill player.
i wont pussy foot around i find you a reasonable preson/player as i do DD and a few others but a few i hve no time for i wont hide my feeling thou these are mind and kept to myself or the players involved and has no bearing on decisions

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 22:35
dambuster is not the only person who has a say in this tribe,I co-founded and trained the original 13 with DD and if you`d come to me this would never have happened.
War can still be stopped,it`s your choice,just remember you aren`t fighting TUD you are attacking Chaos!

johnnylocks on 09.04. at 22:39
for your info half your tribe are messaging me
asking me to please not do it, most would join
i implore you not to be stupid again my troops are yet to move they await your ex tud movement, ex13 will get gratis if thats what you want

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 22:48
Not the impression I`m getting from our forum....and if they are invite them as we don`t want players that get scared by threat of war,you have them cos once a coward always a coward...

I am not a stupid person jonny,but this is one of the most farcical excuses for a war I`ve seen in four years of playing this game,a tribe fights as one and if that is the way it is so be it.


johnnylocks on 09.04. at 22:57
ive just been asked for for a persoanl nap lol said son i have very few vills by you i think your safe.
ok so be it.
lets hope your as good as you all think cause i think DD heavy cav attacks or defence wont help here.
i wish you good luck and i mean that.
again nothing personal.
i wont move until your big boys come out to play
,y scouts will start now i told you il be honest

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 23:03
Sigh....bloody guys and testosterone...

Good luck to you too if there`s no chance of averting this,I was hoping common sense would prevail :/

johnnylocks on 09.04. at 23:11
testerone is good lol.
territorial males are
speak to your good side in the tribe most have played at wars and selective targeting.
my squad as control of over 200 nukes this is not a threat just a statement and thats just 8 players within fw without riffs and the rest and i can assure you they resemble litle of what i have seen of your attacks.
i implore you to speak to these people before its too late

Tainted Solace on 09.04. at 23:17
lol depending on the circumstances....

and speak to who in particular?

johnnylocks on 09.04. at 23:26
i bet your a looker hmm sorry back to talks that male testerone pain aint it.
do you really want to go down this road of war forget exp/ext they have nothing you have to live close to us

Tainted Solace on 10.04. at 00:32
lol I`ve been told so and yes...

and no I dont want war we have a common enemy

johnnylocks on 10.04. at 00:41
on stacking traven vill you did that yourself
as i told DD my troops are yet to move but i see his HC have.
dont go down this road i await so called big guns to join the affray i have also said if your little players keep attcking il take them out.
can i have a pic then lol

Tainted Solace on 10.04. at 00:47
look this can be stopped now and it`s in your court...
I won`t attack until someone attacks me,this is your tribes fault due to the provocation.

you get the pic of me and my sis who co-plays when you attack the enemy and not your allies in the war against EXP

johnnylocks on 10.04. at 00:57
i said before your biggest problem is us on exp/ext
your losing vills as we speak, trains well under a second are you prepared like my boys are.
i train them to ms of trains and to avoid sniping you are now against the elite guard.
never have they attacked you fchull vill just fallen.
blame who you know for this still my troops yet to come out.
you leave me no choice i have more attack vills than most of your members have vills

Tainted Solace on 10.04. at 01:00
oh god the testerone factor again...

seriously wtf do you think you are gaining from this???

johnnylocks on 10.04. at 01:07
really the gains would be litle i have no doubt some will fold due to the mails im getting i wont take them.
PA i dont give them nor do i bully little players.
at the end of the day looks like we are at war so lets the best win ie xpect to lose vills do you

Tainted Solace on 10.04. at 01:14
so f***ing pointless though....and I still don`t get the mentality of attacking players who are fighting on the same side (allegedly),wtf is that all about unless you`re in bed with EXP

and try me my friend...you`ll be surprised


johnnylocks on 10.04. at 01:24
good luck

Tainted Solace on 10.04. at 01:27
you too


Did my usual browse of forum saw this.

And thought, oh maybe our dear friends 3 lions have a funny story to cheer me up, maybe they are going to advertise a silly blunder that happened. maybe they are even mailing to concede or try to work out their differences.

But i read a declaration of war. Yet for a while we have had mini skirmishes paying no attention to 3 lions what so ever, then the cheek to declare. and show stats 2 days old rather than our total skirmish history.

Facts on the table.

3 lions have no major wars what so ever, the 2 large tribes near buy they have nap's with. (good dip some would say).

Chaos! are at war with *FW* family, until recently EXP. and have a very low diplomacy policy, so almost every tribe around we will skirmish and receive counter attacks so forth.

My point being. 2 tribes of equal size, Chaos! with a lot on it plate, major war, incoming from most sides of us.

vs 3 lions with nap's with just about every one, and there fair share of alliances, and next to no enemies.

yet over all Chaos! are performing better,

3 lions od for a tribe of i would guess 8 months + age. at 60.809.770 (23.)

Chaos a tribe 6 weeks of age 48.606.099 (27.)

Im no tribe analyst but it doesn't take a genius to spot the tribe that is built on pacifists, and has a inability to defend or attack. (not the best trait for a war game).

As FW have been mentioned.

They are a large tribe, and we sure as hell have our work cut out, but our main losses are isolated players, which due to FW dropping alliance to nap, to war, in a matter of days, not much could be done, not saying this is the sole reason for poor FW stats, however once field is leveled after dishonest diplomacy, one would hope Chaos! perform better.

Good luck to both sides on that account.