8 months Happy Birthday


As the mods are on a thread closing spree, This might be a good time to reflect on our achievements or failures the highs and lows of a world that is now 243 days old, yep we my fellow player have got to 8 months. And end game for this world is still a long way off.

So Boy and Girls without a dig or snippy comment to another TRY and express you progress over the last 8 months.


8 months? I joined 26th august so im not sure just when it started, anyway. This is my first world, first time on tw, not many lows, been a good time, got to grips with the rules, the skills and all the lardy da.. originally nobled myself a 180 villages as my first noble haha, to which I got a rather rude message from someone laughing at me,,, lesson learnt. joined tribe Drakk, which i keep mentioning, was run by utter fools,,, left them to go help AIDS against neon though I really was of little use, 2 days in and aids disbanded, to which sparkyassasin (later to be SID) dragged us into HD, into which BennyBoy80 gave me a set list to aim for, que the first lessons in tw, from then, noble noble noble, diplo diplo diplo. noble noble noble, and so it goes on. and wooo, a brief summary of my start. lol.


Nice thread Travis.
(Grinds me to say that, lol.)

Get ready for an epic read, lol.

First experiences...
I started playing TW on w39.net in the June of 2009.
I stayed there for 11 weeks, before my tribe - SANE, who i Founded and was Duke of, were ruined by another tribe 10 times our size. (Lowkey)
I took what was left of that tribe and started Virtus.

We left soon after...

UK2 Start up...
I come here: 07th September 2009.
Started as the Duke/Founder of a small pre-made called Virtus.
We had an epic line up, mostly unknown/under alias to UK2, easily a match for likes of Shots, Smack! and PoR.
Some of the very best players playing TW today come with me here, Petar, Elise, Lisa and Tan to name a few.

I also brought with me, the last remaining of my tribe, from w39, which was destroyed by a tribe called - Lowkey, a tribe with stong links to TEAM's leadership, which i never knew at the time, lol.

PeteTurner. - Now enjoying a new start in L.I.
Dazhama. - Quit March...
NornIron. - Quit December...
4r7hur. - Quit October...
And my good friend/co-player Marc (Otti Opao.)
We come here, full of hope and promise, fresh off the back of an ass-kicking and looking for a new start.

I started badly as usual, lost my first farm to a spike, which i blamed on Juke Airlines, at that time he was playing as the account Nemesis666, right in my 2x2, lol.
Still do. :icon_razz:

We had an epic early battle, dodging and trying to clear and farm each other, and i was lucky to catch him with a 500ms back time, and took him out.
Having seen his skill, i offered him and a few of his tribe a place in Virtus.
He joined, and 2 weeks later when Petar quit to start the tribe Rumble along side Pervis and co, on UK3 - Nemesis666 took over the Juke Airlines account...
A while after he become my most trusted Baron, moving up to co-Duke after our split from TEAM...
We had a few early wars and had the first of the several 'Noob Alliances' try to take us on... They all failed.

Strike days...
I was approached by a tribe called Strike and their Duke - Skarloc, who asked us about the possibility of an equal merger, but myself staying as the only Duke and their leaders becoming Barons and a while after we did merge to secure K46.
Then we had a few scuffles with TEAM in K36/K35 and i manged to snipe a noble train for one of my members sent by a player called - Anakanampucha.
My first ever snipe. :icon_biggrin: - It was successful also.

Team days...
Things after that quieted down a bit, with us still growing fast in points and ODA, maybe the fastest ODA growth on UK2 at that time.
I was contacted by the leaders of TEAM about a possible merger, with myself becoming co-Duke along with DeAdMaX.

We merged into them, for reasons i still wont divulge, but it was for a valid reason.

We entered the first 'World War', against Enzyme and Smack!
Alot happened, while i was TEAM's co-Duke, along with DeAdMaX... I had my nose severely pushed out of joint with several arguements with DarthCalais, P.Chan and Traviscoob's co-player - Scooby and when i left them, i actually deleted my account.

I was gutted... I put a HUGE amount of work in...
I tried my absolute best to make us the best tribe...

Juke Airlines, kept me here, kept me going.

Chess days...
A while after that, I started speaking to Chess.
Originally speaking to StellaPolaris, then being directed to their other Duke - Khan the Master.

Myself and my new co-Duke - Juke Airlines, got on like a house on fire with Khan the Master.
Having regular laughs in the Skype.
We started taking out the various tribes in and around our K, which was K46, and started pushing into K36.

It was a while later, approached by a VERY good player called Woundweaver, she asked me to help her save her tribe - Chess...
Khan the Master was close to quitting, due to RL strains and needed help, with a commited player taking over the leadership of his tribe.
This resulted in the merger between Virtus and Chess.
I become the Duke of the worlds most powerful tribe...

Various wars and Ops followed, with us gaining more and more villages/ODA and ground.
Including our famous hit on M8s, who we made disband after 1 expertly timed attack.

KIA/Levian days...
Due to our position, we started speaking to a tribe called KIA.
They also eventually merged with us, but left several weeks after, after a row between myself and Easterlights. - (Their old Duke.)
They left and started the tribe - Levian.

We started attacking TWM, while this was going on and i myself threw all i had into that Op...
I took 11 villages myself in a few seconds, which was a massive gamble and i also sniped several trains...
I nearly lost a village, but got a nice snipe that was 22ms before the attacking nobles landed in my village, lol. ---> Lucky eh? :icon_cool:

We was declared on and attacked by G.F, after they agreed to us recruiting 4 ex-RAC players...
They hit us hard, but for the most part, were poorly coordinated and they concentrated on our mostly inactive and smallest members, with our bigger better, more active members still waiting to recieve a single attack. :icon_rolleyes:

Inactivity is hitting us hard atm, as most other top tribes, but we're bouncing back and in the middle of a fight back against G.F.
Watch this space. :)

Thats about it really, lol.
I hope it wasn't too long, but its kinda good to get stuff off your chest every now and then.

I know its just as much about Virtus on UK2, then myself, but i cant really talk about my own stuff, without mentioning Virtus, lol.
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Levian tribe is a restart it was there ages ago before it ended and merged

nice use of bold , i hate to give u a highlighter
