Account Sharing/ Co-Playing


It is allowed for multiple people to co-play an account as long as the account they are playing is not registered on any world any of the co-player's is playing with on another account.

I don't quite get this. Does it mean, if the person who you are going to co-play with is on a world that you are on, you can't co-play?

Please explain further.


It means that if player A has an account on W1 he can't Co-Play player B's account in W1.



If player A and player B both have an account on w1, they cant cant coplay one of those accounts on w2 because then one of them would know the password to 2 accounts on w1.


Ahh, so a co-player cannot have their own account.
I wasn't aware of that.


To simplify it down to the easiest forum:

You are not allowed to know the password of 2 accounts on the same world. So if there are 2 accounts (or more) on the same world that you know the password of then you are breaking the rules.


Ahh, so a co-player cannot have their own account.
I wasn't aware of that.
You can use your account.

Lets say A has an account in W1 and B does too. B joins W2 under the same name and A Co-Plays him. That'd be illegal as he knows the pass on 2 accounts in one world.

Lets say A has an account in W1 but B doesn't and A does later join W2. Player B can Co-Play him as he doesn't know the pass on 2 accounts in 1 world.


Okay, so:

Me and this guy are both in W1, i have to make another account so we can both play together in W2?


Sharing your password with another player on any world you play is forbidden.

This is true, but you can both play the same world and co-play... Listen up, it's used by many players... ACCOUNT SITTING!!!

Account sitting is a great way to co-play, you don't have to make a new account, just account sit if you want to use your account. But if you would like both co-players to have a password and without the account sitting, you'll have to make a new account and go on that world and share the pass.


I thought if they both want to play together so it would be another co-played account that would be okay, or am i completely wrong?


I thought if they both want to play together so it would be another co-played account that would be okay, or am i completely wrong?
Not if it's under one of the names in W1. If you make a completely new account it's no problem.


basically you can co-play an account if you do not share an account on any world that is being played between you and the co-played account. am i right?



If player A and player B both have an account on w1, they cant cant coplay one of those accounts on w2 because then one of them would know the password to 2 accounts on w1.
There is a whole lot of opinions and second guessing here.

If i were to clarify the above quote, it says:

"You cannot know 2 passwords on the same world!"