

My son has watched me play and wants to start an account. He is on a separate pc, but using the same wireless router. Who do I notify to make sure I don't get done for multi-accounting?


My son has watched me play and wants to start an account. He is on a separate pc, but using the same wireless router. Who do I notify to make sure I don't get done for multi-accounting?

Go to settings on your account and there is the option "Share Internet Connection".

Do that :]


This should really be in the "Questions" section. Anyway, to let the game staff know there are more than 1 accounts sharing an internet connection, go to "Settings" > "Share Internet Connection" in-game and enter your son's account name. Make sure you are aware of the rules regarding players sharing an internet connection:

§2) Players Sharing an Internet Connection

While players are sharing an internet connection (and 24 hours thereafter) absolutely no interaction between the accounts is allowed. They are not allowed to supply, support or attack each other, attack coordinated or interact in ANY other way. Players sharing an internet connection must wait a minimum of three weeks before attacking, sending resources, supporting the same player (co-ordination on a third party). This means 3 weeks after the LAST command was SENT before the other player can attack/support also. It is still forbidden to coordinate attacks from both accounts at the same time on the same connection. There must always be a 3 week time period between any commands from different accounts on the same connection. This does not affect sitting as sitting is meant to be temporary and the sat account can be transferred to another connection. Regular sharing of a connection has to be reported (Settings -> Share Internet Connection) and all interaction is forbidden permanently for those accounts.

Detailed explanation:

This rule applies to anybody that shares a computer or network with one or more players. A shared network could be one household, your job, or school. All players that knowingly share an internet connection regularly have to add each other using the Share Internet Connection feature. All examples of coordination on a 3rd party are pertaining to within the 3 week period.

* If you share a connection for at least 72 hours (3 days) the shared internet connection must be set for BOTH accounts.
* It is not allowed to use an account in any way that profits another account on the same connection.
* Players sharing an internet connection are not allowed to attack, supply or support the same player.
* Players sharing an internet connection are not allowed to attack, supply or support each other.
* It is forbidden to use a third account to transfer resources or villages between accounts on the same internet connection. In that case all 3 accounts are breaking the rules.
* It is forbidden to use an account on your connection to retaliate against players on behalf of an account on the same connection.
* It is forbidden for two accounts to ever attack or support the same player (3rd party) when sharing a connection or 24 hours after.
* Players sharing an internet connection are allowed to attack different players from the same tribe.
* It is not allowed to create multiple accounts and play them as multi accounts using account sitting.
* It is not allowed to coordinate attacks between sitter and sat accounts or multiple sat accounts during the sitting time period and 24 hours after. This also includes abandons.


Moved to correct forum. And the advice above is all correct.