AFLAC/Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies


Tire rims, with bumping up the bass in a 1970's Cadillac, spinning them wheels, scraping the suspension, and wearing your hat backwards whilst listening to 80's rap with yo gold bling and fake diamond studs.


Tire rims, with bumping up the bass in a 1970's Cadillac, spinning them wheels, scraping the suspension, and wearing your hat backwards whilst listening to 80's rap with yo gold bling and fake diamond studs.

Nice one. i like it. we always like people who can crack jokes or other things that are funny.


Mikey your just mad because we kicked you from this tribe...when you were the leader and founder.


Back on topic a bit after the spam, we are prolly looking for 2 players now that we kicked mikey out.


who are you guys?
where are you all from?
where will you be starting?
what are your plans for this world?
will you be here till the end?
is sam playing for you?
is king sam and adam playing for you?

:) please answer


We're made up mostly of players from the .us server, and top tribes there. we got bored there though, so wanted to start another world, and this one seemed fun. We are not all from the .us. we may have certain good players who HAVE played .uk before. we also have plenty of experienced .net players such as myself. We're a group of friends here, and are looking to make new ones to join us in our domination.

We have players from all around the world, covering 24 hours per day. We always coplay and go for the top ranks.

We are starting southeast more. we may be a little outside of that. either way it's a small enough world that we'll be able to handle being spread out a little. we did the preregister. and what i'm saying with the being spread out, location isn't the biggest deal. you can noble towards the rest of us.

Our plans for this world are pretty simple, it's to win this world.

I don't believe i know sam, king sam, or adam. i don't recognize the names. in fact the only person we really know from here is nauzhror as he was in our tribe for a bit there. (although he didn't get rank 1)

Finally, if you are interested either message me here or ig. i'm using the same name for once for that.


oh, you're gonna wish you didn't say that one. i've gotta rim mikey first though.


lol. i nobled you on there too. however that was more because you were in my tribe, so i couldn't just go off and noble you like kyle did to robo. man we get off-topic easily.