another n00b


Hi, Just started like 1 hour ago from this post.
I have just sent 7 spear men to attack a bonus village. at 1st thinking this was a barb village i thought id get resources, then later discovering an actuall barb village i realised i may get nothing from this attack. basically what im wondering is attacking this bonus village what will happen.....


Nothing, except a lot of your spears will die and you'll get a few resources back. Attack with spears + paladin, and you'll do better. Btw, I'm annoyed at your title, implying being a n00b is a bad thing :icon_wink:


oh well. If i attack a barb with 7 spearmen and a paladin what will happen? Try my best to get ahead of the player near me. Plan is to kill them and take there villages haha. they dnt seem to be active muahahha


go to the rally point and go to simulator
and experiment with these small troop numbers that youre using, you'll be able to see how it all works
in short all villages have a natural defense, so sending a tiny amount like 7 spears means that a few of them will die


ok. so how do i know how many units are in the other villages. obviously i dnt have scouts yet. and im waiting for my recourses to go up so i can construct a statue. thats at 12.08


Most barbarians have no troops, as a general rule if a village has less than 100 points (and out of beginner protection if it's a player) it's pretty safe to farm it (send your troops at it for resources).


There's a huge line bewteen noob and newbie.

For first I recommend sending the Paladin to farm with any amount of spears you'd like, later on that amount will have to raise.

As all villages have a basic defence of 20 most of your spears will die, if not all in this farm run.

The newest barbs (those who haven't grown at all) tend not to have any troops except if a player is supporting (a tactic to damage your opponent). Players who have been growing and then turn barbarian will most likely have some troops.

The general rule is that players under 90 points do have a Statue (and maybe a Paladin) but no barracks or wall.

If you got any more questions you can mail me in-game.