Barb or Player


[ke]You ummm, oh sigh, nevermind. Just to let you know though, your two links proved me right. [/ke]



Ok, so this is a player that has maintained 30-50 pretty consistently. I'm not too sure what point you were trying to get across with this, but in my mind it just reinforces the fact that hoang (and therefore most decent players) can grow a second village much faster than a rank 50 player.
The player in your link is currently 1.8k points, roughly the same as hoangs second village is now. However, when hoang nobled his 700 point village, chriso147 was at 1.2k points. Therefore Hoang has grown his second village almost twice as fast, as well as keeping his main village growing. So much for "a lot of players pick up speed". Obviously their one village still cannot match hoang with either of his two.

Time and time again it has shown that noble rushing is not the fastest way to expand
Now that is misleading and probably not true. It all depends on the quality of player doing the rushing. Sure, noble rushers often fail in the end, but that is because most of them are not very good players. So naturally the better players (who mostly don't noble rush) pass them eventually.
On the other hand we have someone like hoang or Darazi (w2) who can noble rush and maintain a good rank afterwards. Despite noble rushing (about 4-5 days before anyone else) Darazi was still the first player to a full nuke.
Could you pleas point out how shows that noble rushing is always a slow method of expansion?

In addition, hoang was in a continent by himself and w3 is a packet world. He had no-one to cotrain with at any point, so rushing academy and quickly nobling and getting another academy was the fastest way to get a noble train. Trying to take a larger village without a train (either noble rushing or not) just leaves him open to backtiming. So, if noble rushing was the fastest and safest method of expansion for hoang, why couldn't it be so for many other people too? Stop being closed minded and stuck in the 'right' way to do things.


[ke]You had the motivation to prove him wrong? Lucky. :p[/ke]


Actually can I point something out....

On .net noble rushing in incredibly stupid. An average tribe on .net will have catapults by the time you have a noble, and they know how to use them against Full O players. This has been proven many times, and thats why people linked noble rushing with failure. A noble rusher gets the first nobles and there is instantly some average tribe that cats/attacks. This is why most players delay it. Usually the 5-10th player is already not such an obvious target.

Hoang has adapted to the lower skill of oponents on .uk, and rushed the academy. The fact that noone catted him shows noble rushing on .uk is still a valid method. After a few worlds though, i think people following him might find the noobs are no longer as harmless.


[ke]Good point SF, however, even in .net, if a player is in a high ranking tribe, he can noble rush. Simply because most noobs will be to scared to attack him/the tribe.[/ke]


[ke]Good point SF, however, even in .net, if a player is in a high ranking tribe, he can noble rush. Simply because most noobs will be to scared to attack him/the tribe.[/ke]

not really..

an example would be pervis, I htink his last 4 worlds running he has been catted nicely even though he is playing/leading in all of them:icon_wink:

p.s. lets not beak the streak. im sending cats to him as we speak just to keep up with tradition :icon_biggrin:


[ke]Yes well, pervis doesn't really know how to be diplomatic. :icon_wink: But I get your point, it helps if the player isn't well known, ie; an alias.[/ke]