Benefits of Archers


First world I played had no archers, and I just got into the habit of not building them. Can anyone explain the pros and cons of having archers in a defensive vill? I understand they are faster than swords - which is good for supporting other vils

Also, why are some worlds archer and others not? It seems quite arbitary to have worlds where one particular type of troop is not allowed . . . why the controversy?


Some people prefer archer worlds, some people don't, just as some prefer 3 tech and others prefer 10 tech, some prefer 1 speed and some prefer 400 speed.

Pros of archers:
better defense against infantry and cavalry than sp/axes.
Semi-unexpected (even now)

they die to MA like flies
unbalance your wood like crazy

I personally use sp/sw/HC defense in my villages :)


On UK8.....

If you compare archers with swords for defense:

Swords: General defense - 50: Cavalry defense - 15: Archer defense - 40
Archers: General defense - 50: Cavalry defense - 40: Archer defense - 5

So, this gives you more options to play with.

As many ppl attack with mainly axes and LC then the above shows that archers are the best units to have in defense.

Consequently......if many ppl know this....they may well send many mounted archers to take out the archers.

Your second point: No idea why some worlds have archers and some not....just another option they play with.

Thanks Zarddeath....I was writing mine when you posted yours.


Archers don't die to MA as much as you'd think if you use a strong base of HC, which are strong in defending against archers. Few people use more than 500 MA in a nuke, so those HC should see you through.

A quick (to train) and mobile force that I like to use is a ratio of sp/ar/HC at 2:1:1.


Archers give you a much better defence than Swords which on archer worlds are just about useless.

Whilst few seem to know what a nuke is or should be and how the game mechanics work I would not seek to disturb the mix suggested by Pushty. There are however some defences you can employ which are better but you need to be active enough to set traps and cunning enough to employ them at their very best.

If you are a moderately active player on an archer world then big stacks of archers will do you very well indeed against most opponents and strategies. If you get scouted though and then see someone try to kill it with an MA attack you need to be able to switch them out or protect them.

They might be more expensive but more will survive than of other troop types and if you have the time to build a high ratio of archers you should. They kill more attackers than others pound for pound. If you can get enough together and keep enough around they are the best defensive unit my view.

All troops can be used defensively in times of need though. Archers can even be used offensively to kill archers especially if you want to switch a D vill to an O vill.

A basic misunderstanding I see a lot is actually that a Nuke is the most damaging attack you can build in one village. It simply is not. What it is is the fastest build but also reasonably weak. Most go for some mix of axes, LC and a few MA, with rams/ cats of course. What is misunderstood is that when these troops get to a village the computer does not line up all the axes against the swords, the LC against the spears and MA against the archers. It takes the total attack figure of the nuke against the total defence value of the defending troops, behind wall bonus, seperately against the three attack types - for general attack, cavalry attack and archer attack. Your mixed nuke attacks all three values and a lot of it will actually be wasted by hitting your opponents highest defence value.

You may not understand or may say yes but I don't know what that is going to be there. If the latter scout or just get to know your opponent and what to expect to see. 99% are standard build, same as 99% of nukes. If you see an odd defence, say a village with just 14000 archers in it, you would be wasting a lot of troops sending a mixed nuke. Try just sending the 500 MA or so and save the rest of the 'nuke for another target or to follow up after the MA hit.

Use the simulator. Try a standard defence on one side and your favourite nuke. See if there is any great benefit sending the Axes with the LC/MA. I bet you will be surprised.