

What is it with tribes becoming brotherhoods?? am i missing something here lol

today at 21:55 but dont you want to be a part of a brotherhood?

no i dont,what is the point anyway?????


I don't think this was really worth its own thread bro. But yeah family tribes suck (I think that's what you're refering to at least, I didn't quite follow you).


Ahhh am new to the game apart from uk2, was just wondering what basically peoples thoughts were to this as have never heard of it before in other games...

In my opinion it just shows how weak some people are if they need to hide behind a bunch of family tribe people..

Sorry if its wrong to post,or in the wrong section...


Generally brotherhoods, or families, are seen as a bad thing. Most families are made for the wrong reaons: because the people in charge of them are essentially afraid of conflict (which, as you may have guessed, is what this game is really all about). These same players usually have no idea how to run a tribe effectively, so the family usually ends up being very poorly coordinated.

When a family tribe is run well and for the right reason, though (e.g. to team up and coordinate closely against a much larger foe rather than just find safety in numbers), they can be very effective in dominating a world. This doesn't happen too often though, which is why people are usually dismissive of families which aspire to this.