Changelog 8.255


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Update to version 8.255

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on 24th August), and with it, we will be including some minor bug fixes and three overhauls!


  • A problem with rewards of the new Quest System not working properly after transferring from one world to the other has been fixed.
  • A problem with different end times for the recruitment in a village and the recruitment overview has been fixed.
  • A problem with Rewards not restarting after account deletion has been fixed.
Also, we are happy to announce that we overhauled the endgames of Age Of Enlightenment, Great Siege, and Rune Wars! The biggest complaint about them that was brought to us by you, our community, was that the morale system breaks the endgames completely. It was easily exploitable and therefore, let us be honest, just not very enjoyable for anyone. This has been fixed now! Let's go through them what happens exactly:

  • For Rune Wars, this means that if a low point player controls a rune village, attacks to the rune village will not be affected by morale if the attacker has more points.
  • For Age Of Enlightenment, this means that if a low point player controls a university village, attacks to the university village will not be affected by morale if the attacker has more points.
  • For The Great Siege, this means that city districts controlled by players will not benefit from morale protection if the attacker has more points.
We hope that those changes will fix the endgames and make them a great experience!


If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so HERE.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team