Co-Ordinated strikes.



Simple questions regarding Co-Ordinated strikes.

When sending a co-ordinated strike from various villages is there a time allowance? e.g. do the strikes have to happens in the exact same second, or can it be within the same minute.

With co-ordinated attacks is the full attacking power added together or are they calculated as seperate battles? If so how is it decided which attack is calculated first?

I hope makes sense.


There isn't really such a thing as Co-ordinated strikes in TW, well, not in the way you're describing.

All seperate attacks will be treated individually, and will never link up with another one in such a way to boost their power.

The attack that lands first is the one that on the attack screen hits first in Milliseconds. (If you get what i mean... :/)

A good co-ordinated attack will land have all it's attacks land within Milliseconds of each other for maximum effect.

As there is no classification as a co-ordinated attack, there isn't a time limit, though, you want to get any attacks as close together as possible (I.e. Noble trains, clearing waves etc.), there are a number of ways to do so, like Opera trains, but to co-ordinate with another member requires a lot of planning. Is a very helpful site when co-ordinating with tribe members etc. as if you input the data, it will tell you when to launch your attack (Remember to change the world to your one in the top right hand corner)

It also helps to have an IM service like Skype or IRC so that you can instantly message when you've sent your attack, rather than the slower in-game mail method.

Co-ordinated attacks or fakes can be very effective, but require a lot of effort to go in beforehand, hopefully you get it right :)

YGP <3

Ps. Kinda wrong forum i think... not sure though, is the questions forum for any other questions though.