

Is it possible to change continents? my friend is on a different one to me, and i want to get to his.


when nobles come out you can make a noble train and take over a village near your friend :)


Is it possible to change continents? my friend is on a different one to me, and i want to get to his.
You can restart and hope to get near him (remember to choose the right direction if you do so). Or you can grow and then later noble train (that's 4 attacks timed to land roughly at the same time each attack having a noble) near him. The other option is to him lower the loyalty (standard is 100, if its below that it will increase 1 per hour, in order to take the village you need to get it below 0) of the village you desire so you only must send 1 noble on the long journey. Since you are a newbie, i'd suggest if you re-locate, noble a barbarian (that's an abandoned village and appears as grey on the map) to avoid any unfortunate incidents where you don't get the village. However i'd first suggest you create a good cluster in your starting location inside your church radius, you then have a secure location in case you get nobled out in your new area. It may happen because everyone are pretty advanced by then (unless your friend is really good and can secure a safe zone for you).

So, i'd suggest grow (farm a lot in order to grow fast) and create a cluster in your current area (not big, 4 defence villages and 3 offence villages should do), then create a train and send 1 noble and a small escort to your friends area so in total you would have 4 targets each have an incoming with a noble.
Your friend can then lower the loyalty of each village in advance so once your attacks hit, you will have 4 villages in the same amount of time instead of one. Then you can create a secondary cluster near your friend. Remember to set up a church once you have done this, since your friends churches won't help you. Also if choosing among the grey villages, pick bonus villages and try to have them a bit spread out. After that don't however forget to expand in your primary area.


When you get older you'll change from continent to incontinent.

Is that the change of continent you mean?


If you are incontinent I believe you no longer have control of your bowels... anyway back to the topic!!

If you go settings-> start over then pick the direction your friend is in there is a chance you will get close(r).