exp no3 tribe ?????


well you look at the list lots of members family tribes (we'll let that slide) its at no.3 how bad can things be?

answer simply is breaking point

the tribe is about to split in two all because of the wonderful leadership of doozy and his sidekick nephew (Dark necromancer)

how did they manage it well they firstly got this great new strategy on growth its a simple but effective one you turn the whole map blue then you wait for your own tribe to go innactive or leave then you just internally noble them all up. keeping the majority on a few favoured accounts check them nobles in the stats they are quite impressive and andy must be real chuffed with how his account has been run since he left.

and as for the diplomacy what happened when a napped tribe was found to be supporting not one but two enemies well obviously the whole tribe went up in arms they mobilized their troops and was told too stand down the nap was changed to an ALLIANCE.
secondly an ally merged with an enemy and had to create an academy tribe to accomadate them the tribe go up in arms but the alliance changed and members told its ok they gifting us some villages and not to attack them they are now allies? not as far as i can see they decided to cancel that when they;
1.accepted refugees of the enemy of an ally.
2. refused to boot the refugees.

but its ok more free villages

what will come now can the tribe be reunited and lead in a different direction or we gonna end up with two super accounts and a breakaway tribe which is in the pipeline now


Low life give us your in game name and we will then internally noble you or please feel free to leave the EXP family i for one don't really want to work with someone like you.

Who ever you are please get out of a tribe i'm part of :mad:



Nice to see a nice balanced view of the internal politics of EXP. really scott ( I'm assuming it is you ) the insite you have gained from being in the tribe is monumental. Perhaps you are not good at politics I don't know.. but NAPS and alliances are one of the most important aspects of this game. Those that don't know how to use them properly or at the correct time fail. Those that get that mix right will be still here for the end-game. If EXP have got it wrong we will fail. If we haven't we will succeed. time will tell.. and then the toy/sandpit episode we see here ( the fact you joined the forums specifically for this post lead me to that conclusion ) will be shown for what it is. oh and I would get a bigger map if all you see is blue..

I'm not even sure why I bothered to reply to this to be honest...
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That explains a lot, we were having a convo in our pub recently about ratio of inactives to actives which people had taken. DN came in at a handsome figure of 66.40% of internals making up there total village count. I'm not saying that it is a bad thing, my own tribe also prefers to noble internally where possible rather than give out accounts to unknowns or from off world.

I guess your point is very valid though, for us its not too bad, as we a small crew, but when you are the largest family tribe in the world, what is the point in playing with so many friendlies on ever corner. Maybe DN wants to get that figure up to a better looking 90% when you go inactive through boredom as well.


this is a joke, if you spent any of your time in the tribe paying real attention you would no that are internal nobling is balanced as is all tribes, but as we are so good at it why dont you tell us the in game name and we can show everyone are internal nobling skills on you,
as for alliances and NAPs you clearly don't understand politics or strategy so what you say means nothing as EXP/EXT will continue to grow and be a great family,
while you are quickly forgotten enjoy your 15 mins of fame


Scott has already left the game marc. he was driving the FAHAN96 account..

to any other EXP players wanting to comment.. don't bother.. it is not worth the effort to reply .


Low life give us your in game name and we will then internally noble you or please feel free to leave the EXP family i for one don't really want to work with someone like you.

Who ever you are please get out of a tribe i'm part of :mad:


low life? your calling other people low lifes when you've got spys everywhere?


low life? your calling other people low lifes when you've got spys everywhere?

I'm not a lover of spies myself in fact the last one i come across who told me he was the spy for EXP when i joined them told me to much.
Then a RES player forwarded me a mail on his plans to noble a EXT member and he was trying to get there help 5 days later he was no more.

Low lifes come on the main forum and try there best to trash a tribe this was also done with someone leaving FW and i posted on there that there was no need for his post and but up some good words for FW.
Which i was igm a thank you from a FW member for my good words.

I feel some players want power in there tribes and if they don't get it they soon find something to moan about and end up getting them selfs stress out over it all.
Then go bang a try there best to hit back at the tribe as most know taking there problems to the battle field is a no hope in hell they bring it to the forum.


But if what the guy is saying is right, with you lot being a super huge family, taking them to the battle field would be pointless. Its all good and well saying show your name, tell us who you are and we will internally noble you like the rest of them. Of course they wouldnt stand a chance, surrounded by a sea of blue and light blue and purple for hundreds of hours direction, they wouldnt stand a chance.

Sometimes the external forums are the only outlet for players, especially if what he says is accurate on how the tribe is run. If people running the tribes are not willing to listen to people, or are single track minded or just have the needs of a few playing before the needs of the tribe then it can lead to a hostile enviroment. People begin to feel isolated and the externals is the only place they can complain and have everyone in there tribe listen rather than doing in the tribe and being instantly persecuted.

I say let him have his say, and all this 'show your face and we will internal you' is pretty indictive of a rather opressive atmosphere which I hope is not representitve of your whole tribe else I feel sorry for its members.


You are correct Roch however in this case we know who it is. Also if someone is unhappy in EXP I can assure you they vent in our internal forums ( as I'm sure you know :icon_wink: ) so the oppresive atmosphere to which you allude is certainly not a reason this post was made. In this case Scott vented this exact agruement internally. He did not accept the answer given. Instead he left the tribe and threatened to give the villages to your tribe ( bad form considering the tribe had given him that account to play after he had to leave TW fr personal reason a few months back, and he had been back in game less than a month ). I agree demands like "Show your face you coward" are rather pointless but as you said yourself this is a place to vent and that priviledge should also be extented to those replying to the original poster ( who in this case is just throwing his toys out of the pram because he did not get his own way )


Hehe, I dont know actually, not sure if you think I have access to your internal forums but I abhor spys and spying. Not for me. Fair comment though. This is also the reason I never gave out accounts and issued instructions to always internally noble. You can never really trust someone who hasnt worked blood sweat and guts for there position in the world and just swans into an account. I find they generally lack commitment.


Hehe, I dont know actually, not sure if you think I have access to your internal forums but I abhor spys and spying. Not for me. Fair comment though. This is also the reason I never gave out accounts and issued instructions to always internally noble. You can never really trust someone who hasnt worked blood sweat and guts for there position in the world and just swans into an account. I find they generally lack commitment.

some people forget that this is just a game.....


some people forget that this is just a game.....

Some people like to get into the spirit of the game, you can't be good at anything unless your committed. So if you don't mind, stop trolling and post something positive and don't go off topic, this sways threads.

I know i contradicted myself there, but more the less, continue the discussion.