Hanging Up The Pink Fluffy Bunny Slippers


Best of luck Kilroy - our paths havent crossed on W1 but they did briefly on W4, and you have a way with words the vast majority of TW players would love to have.

It is players like you that make TW such an outstanding game, and I have no doubt your presence will be sorely missed.


When I was playing you were always there for a chat and a wise word. Thank you Kilroy, and all the best


No man should feel blame for the actions of others. Everyone is an individual in their own right and makes decisions based on the cards they are dealt. To feel over-riding guilt for other people is an obsessive function that only ends up in tears. We cannot control the world, we are the world and its hard enough to control ourselves at times.

I wish you all the luck I can dude. Take it easy.



Sorry to see such a great personality go....UK1 is a poorer place.



I'd just like to thank everyone for all their support and understanding; my inbox has been flooded with thoughtful messages from so many people in the last twenty-four hours, from both long-term friends and long-term enemies alike, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't greatly moved by the response I have received.

The most moving act has been undertaken by my oldest and closest friends, who have reformed my beloved Avaz, and where we shall all happily exist in a strictly social and non-competitive role until the endgame - having dedicated so much time into W1, I would feel somewhat cheated if I was not there at its end. (I'll issue my warning now though, TR should not be underrestimated - I did it, and look how I turned out!)

I am sorry I could not do more for -ODA- as their members meant so much to me and I genuinely feel that I have let you down, but please understand I did the best I could to ensure security for all its members.

Again, thankyou so much for everything and, to answer YGP's query, I am hoping by the time W5 is released that I will be feeling much better, and capable of taking my fellow band of Avalonians to reap the glory that they so deserve.

Michael "Kilroy" Silk


Good luck with everything and I hope things can improve for you in the near future.


No man should feel blame for the actions of others. Everyone is an individual in their own right and makes decisions based on the cards they are dealt. To feel over-riding guilt for other people is an obsessive function that only ends up in tears. We cannot control the world, we are the world and its hard enough to control ourselves at times.

I wish you all the luck I can dude. Take it easy.


couldn't be better said

a massive +1 <3 kilroy you are the best and we love ya to bits m8


Unlucky, although I haven't seen many of your posts etc. The one's I have seen have been well-though out and clever. Sad to see you go and goodluck :icon_razz:


Good luck mate - hope everything goes well, and you sort yourself out... I think this world will be a poorer place without you... :(

Perhaps you will be back sometime soon... I hope so, and i think alot of other people will too! :D



I don't know everything your going through, but my mam has similar problems. I know how hard it is for someone to cope with it and I just want to say that, as soon as your body is used to the medication it gets a hell of a lot easier. I wish you all the best mate and really hope that I see you in the future.

And by the way, -ODA- could not have asked for a better leader.

Your loyal friend: ukAlex08


i for one will be sorry to see you go kilroy. and you were a good leader and did Avaz / -ODA- proud, i know because i had the pleasure of being a Avaz / -ODA- member on this world (and on another too) and if i hadnt fallen in with another good bunch and was alot closer to the rest of you i would still be a Avaz / -ODA- member

joe bloggs