How many troops do you send?


When I used spears for farming, I used to lose the odd 1 at 40, 50 or even 60 spears.
Then I added 10 or 20 axes to each farming expedition and never lost anything after that.
Even so I find 40 light cavalry will clean out most things and I haven't lost any of them yet either.
Note: on the odd occasion when I have arrived somewhere to find unexpected military units, I have lost some, but touch wood my boys always cleaned them out even if it was touch and go on the odd occasion.


How many spears would you have to send at an empty player for none of them to die? and how many would you have to send at a barbarian village for none of them to die.

I can't remember but i think it was 9, or was that with a paladin?

Assuming wall 0:

you'll only ever lose 1 spear at most unless you get unlucky with an attack anything over 1 spear, from what I recall. The only reason not to send with that few is because the loss of 1 spear = 50/30/10 => 90 haul, and the surviving spears would have to haul more than 90 in order to make it profitable.

Thus, it doesn't become profitable to farm until you have 5 spears (1 dies, 4 survive, 4x25 = 100) but the gains are, as you can see, minimal, and usually not worth it.

at 17 spears, you can have no losses IF you get maximum luck (25%).
at 33 spears, you will have no losses with non-negative luck (i.e. 0% or greater).
at 76 spears (or thereabouts, I think) you will have no losses no matter what luck you get.

Sent with a paladin, you will never lose even a single spear unless there is a wall or defence, afaik.

For wall > 0, all these values will obviously differ, and will (again, obviously) need to be much higher to counter the defence bonus of the wall.


Use the simulator to find out, but I would recommend sending sword or axe with a few spears.
I am using 15 spear and 3 axe and dont lose any if there is no wall. I have now to decide on what to send now with a level 1 wall as I just hit a village with it and lost 3 spears :(


how many would you have to send at a barbarian village for none of them to die.

76, with no wall

farming with no losses

if resources existing at arrival is predicted to be greater than 1900,
send [amount produced]/25 spears

if resources existing at arrival is predicted to be >= 180 and < 1900,
send ([amount produced]-30)/25 spears and 3 axes

if resources existing at arrival attacks is predicted to be >= 45 and < 180 or < 35,
send ([amount produced]-20)/25 spears and 2 axes

if resources existing at arrival is predicted to be >= 35 and <= 45,
send 1 spear and 1 axe

If you're not a tribalwars zombie, then you could make swords to strengthen your armies too. But axe is much more efficient if you're always attacking.