IHate Noobs

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Too many players nowadays are active enough to gain top 20. But that is it. They are 'just active'. They have no other skill. They know when to build up HQ and what to research due to reading guides. Thus them knowing how to pull of a decent, or even half decent train or snipe is out of the question. They must think their safe just being active.

Hey, i never used guides :(


Too many players nowadays are active enough to gain top 20. But that is it. They are 'just active'. They have no other skill. They know when to build up HQ and what to research due to reading guides. Thus them knowing how to pull of a decent, or even half decent train or snipe is out of the question. They must think their safe just being active.

So how are you supposed to learn? Guides imo are the best way.


Trial and error , from coplayers/tribe members , guides are really not the only way nor the best either.


Ehh... Of course a guide is not the only way, or it would be an 'instruction'.

A guide is basic info used to advice you. Be that written by game makers, a player more experienced than yourself or even yourself.. it is a guide all the same. Trial and error is only the practice of the guidence you have exposed yourself to.


Ehh... Of course a guide is not the only way, or it would be an 'instruction'.

A guide is basic info used to advice you. Be that written by game makers, a player more experienced than yourself or even yourself.. it is a guide all the same. Trial and error is only the practice of the guidence you have exposed yourself to.

I think the guides people refer to in this forum are specific guides , such as famous start up guides .

I can guarantee that the best guides available were written by people who did not learn from a guide and would recommend learning through experience as a better way to learn.

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