Wheres the incomming tagger gone ? also is there a script to replace it?
To make things harder maybe. Can any of the TW mods explain why it was changed to random attack Ids?
as this update change has been implemented, there's been lots of quesions by the community on .DE externals.
at least one team member gave a vague answer:
>LINK< to origin post
screen if thread has been shifted or denied access:
the one who was quoted on this stated, that observing attack IDs used to be an important option for him to detect incoming nobles without non stop activity.
Alma98 then answered that changing policy on attack-ID's is intended to countersteer against misuse off this unwanted additional source of information (= run time of incoming attacks not using premium account feature or simple maths) and let them who actively play on their account detect incoming nobles more likely than someone just checking attack IDs in order to detect one or another train on route.
TW Scum