k44-burger king


SIZE="5"]Tribalwars public Anouncement[/SIZE]
Have you ever wanted to do something never done, maybe to acomlish something that is worth talking about. Have you ever wondered, what am i doing wrong and why cant i push to reach one million? Do you have no self confidence, and just play the game in your spare time. Were you once pasionate about the game but your lust faded away. If you answered yes to any of the questions above then MAIL ME And we can see where you stand in this situation you are in.

This tribes history is from world 1, where me and some buds had made a tribe , of course it failed and we quit be we decided to restart on world 19 where we beceame sucessful and were ranked 3 in the world. After i broke 5million i quit but some of my friends still lust this game.

This tribe has a great back ground, and has only members who have played the game for more than 12months, If you have any complaints dont hesitate to send it to IDONTCARE@yahoo.com <---reall email adress!!!

For those who look me up on Twstats will see a small history under my 'alias , not because im hated, or not because im a noob but i have an 'alias so that i can play other worlds under different acounts.

If you have any question about me PM ME

Recruitment will be about 40-60 depending on what the world setting are.

The direction is unknown.
There are 10 members spaces left for members who are interested or leaveing the BK trademark over the tribalwars world.


No history of bieng a noob flammer . lol
No history of bieng a Spy (i can and will find out)
no history of bieng a tribe jumper.

A reliable internet conncetion.
A skype or able to use my custom chat.
Willingness to spend time and efort.
Working on troops and not jsut points.


Tribe name:Burger Kings, or Have it your way, Kings
ID: not saying

This will be edited , sadly i ran out of time.

Tribalwars is much like war, i served as a lutenit in the army, i didnt give exact orders but i was next in line to adapt the ways of the General. War is just life, if you want peace you must have War. There is no ballance and there is no NAP.

Naps are only used as a slot preserver, move to nap , then move to enemies , Get the idea???:lol:

I know what your thinking , wow this is dull and or exciteing.

If you want to join plz mail me and tell me:
What are your past Exp.
Why do you want to join?
Are you actually ready to work and how would or what would you do to benefit me/tribe?
What do you offer the tribe?
How old are you ?? age 13 limit.
What is your place of employment.
Mcdonlads or Burger kings???
Whats your favorite order from Burger kings???
Whopper or big mac??? lol
War or peace???
Answer each of these questions carefully, i will keep recruitment numbers updated.
Have a nice day,mates

Well for all of you Mcdonalds lovers , i hope your ready to HAVE IT YOUR WAY!