Knights Of Middle Earth


This is my first time creating a thread on a tribe, I wouldn't even go as far to call it a PnP as i haven't got enough material to create one ;). Basically making this as the forums are pretty dead and i'm not a big fan of KME.

The Beginning

My Story begins when I receive a mail from a certain 01 - Pegasus, the Duchess of KME, entitled 'Warning'. It begins simply enough but as I converse more with the leader of KME, I realize just how noob-y this tribe really is.

01 - Pegasus on 10.07. at 20:08
One of your players Jubblies is constantly attacking one of my player whitespoot if these attacks carry on, my tribe will retaliate, I advise you to stop now.

Now, Jubblies is currently being sat by one of his friends (who is not in my tribe; WTF? for those who care). I explain this to Pegasus and inform her to take the issue up with said player. Now don't get me wrong, i'm not going to ask a member to stop farming a player just because the Duchess of the biggest (member-wise) tribe on World 5 asks me to.

Despite this, she is convinced that we're to be held fully responsible;
01 - Pegasus today at 11:48
Ive spoken with ****** my issue is not with him, you are responsible for your members, You have left me no alternative, my tribe will retaliate on your whole tribe


After this; I'm offered one final way out, dismiss Jubblies or incur the full retaliation of KME

01 - Pegasus today at 13:54
Then dismiss the member that is being sat, you are responsible for him.


J3east today at 14:38
I am not dismissing Jubblies for his account sitters actions.

The Retaliation

First and foremost, the mighty Duchess leads the assault with her unspilt-able fake train, swiftly followed by hordes of other fakes from her fellow tribemates.


Now, quite frankly i'm not quite sure what this is supposed to be. After mulling it over i've came to the conclusion this is some sort of new uber-spear assault; compliments to maid marion3


All in all, i've received a mildly impressive 43 attacks/fakes from 20 members over a period 82 hours; don't know how im going to survive this one :/. Nice co-ordination at any rate guise.


Last chapter; The Duchess and the Beast

Mail to the Account Sitter
01 - Pegasus today at 17:51

01 - Pegasus today at 11:46
The Duke of Jubblies tribe has told m he can not stop you, so ive told him this will not change anything, I hold the tribe responsible and I will have my tribe retaliate and they wont stand a chance, no offense to you, the Duke of jubblies tribe has no back bone, im sorry to say.

I thank you for getting back to me, my issue is there tribe and not you.

Kind Regards



And finally; the true definition of a refugee

01 - Pegasus today at 18:02
Im sorry you feel like this, but like I said, if it had been why or swarm, I would have done exactly the same.

If you don't believe me speak to the no 1 tribe on w3, im now co play with skipdepot, but before I did I told there 2 mil player's I wasn't afraid of them, so you see I don't care who the tribe his, if he is attacking one of my members I wont sit back.


J3east today at 18:09
Considering Why? have taken a village of your member, which is still in there hands, I honestly dont believe you on this.

01 - Pegasus today at 18:33
I dont care what you believe to be honest, and as far as I can see on the stats why havent taken any of our villages.

J3east today at 18:34

Well theres blatant proof that they have.

01 - Pegasus today at 18:37
They were taken it when he joined us, he wasnt going to join because of the noble train.

J3east today at 18:38
So you take in refugees :s?

01 - Pegasus today at 18:40
Refugee is someone who is being farmed, not a noble train lol



I would have been greatly amused if who are you or Monty had received a similar warning letter xD


Haha very impressive mate, it is fully deserving of being called PnP, even if it is on the short side!


I must admit, this was quite a nice read. I now look down on the mass recruiters even more ^_^


Awwwh shucks, thanks guys :3. Ill post up another update when the reports are in.


Lulz! Get out while you still can :icon_eek:

Your leader is teh nubz Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Thankfully she is not the leader, only the diplomat. But it is a laugh to watch them trying to co-ordinate 140 odd people :D


i think they have 140 odd people because they were recruiting people from other tribes and abit of mergeing :)


Thankfully she is not the leader, only the diplomat. But it is a laugh to watch them trying to co-ordinate 140 odd people :D

The diplomat is arguably the most important position in the tribe, and in a lot of tribes the diplomat = the leader.


Considering she is the 'Duchess'; the highest position you can have it your tribe, it does technically make her a leader.

It does seem like that but gandolf is actually the leader. But do not get me wrong i am not defending the noobness shown :icon_wink:

Yup we have 140 odd members because we merged with a tribe full of people with under 500pt members... the reasons for this are completely unknown and i certainly do not condone it. :icon_twisted:


Nice first try, it was a fun read.
Just one question intrigue's me?

Now, Jubblies is currently being sat by one of his friends (who is not in my tribe; WTF? for those who care).

Why was someone who is not in your tribe sitting one of your members?:icon_rolleyes:


I know it tends to be frowned upon, but i'm certain the sitter is not up to anything suspicious and considering theres nothing of worth on our forums; I have no problem with it.