Looking for a decent tribe

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Hi there,

Me and my co's are looking for a decent tribe. Premade or not; as long as you're the best we're interested and you can consider this our application. We will not tell our name yet, due to experience with haters on other servers; we do not wish to get attacked by everyone because they fear us. We are five persons on this account, and this is five of the best Norwegian players. We have won and will continue doing so. Not only are we good, but we also contribute to our tribe and make sure the tribe share our success and win.

The players on the account are:
  1. TrAnxZ - That is me! Founder of the tribe winning the current Classic round on .no (link). Also the founder of APC on w2.no.
  2. Honour - Sander is one of the best TribalWars players I have ever met. He is currently rank 1 on the current classic round on .no on his account Aviciii. He finished second in the first classic round. A great guy!
  3. Johan j1234 - Also one of the persons behind Aviciii. A great guy who know what he is doing!
  4. Seyda - A drunken bastard who for some reason plays TribalWars. He also plays on Aviciii. He also played on this account from 0-450k. He won the first classic round in Norway.
  5. Dakapo - The Norwegian CM. She has been without Tribal Wars gaming for a while now due to her job, and it's time for her to show her skills again! And where is it better to start than .uk?

That is us. Do we want you and you us? If so, PM me on the forum.


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Antagonist is for bad boys and girls only and I think you qualify :)

On a serious note, check out my thread
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I have a topic where i give information about my tribe plan.


Let me know what you're looking for In Game Tranxz and i'll see what can be done!

IGT: SoD I Hoggy



Sorry for the bumpy start, And good luck in finding your ideal one. But i'm assuming you found one already?


ehh, it's still early. good early-mid game play could still bring them to top 5 in the world in a short amount of time.
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