Miracles or Happy Coincidence?


Neither. Luck.
I'm sure some religous people will use this as evidence for miracles actually happening. Yes, it was a miracle that a cafe had an awning outside it(its not common or anything).

In RE in class the other day in the Catholic school I go to we were having a debate(well one where your not allowed confliting views with the catholic church) about miracles. Then, it went on to learn about the "Apparition of Mary in Lourdes" to a young girl(13, wee girls dont make stories up...), who was badly sick(anybody know any sicknesses that cause visions? na, not me..), she was the only one who saw it(out of thousands that came to see it!). But of course. It must of happened. It must have been a miracle.

I dont get it. Something happens that either cant be explained or seems to be good. Must be a miracle somehow.


That's not a miracle or a coincidence. Just a mixture of a young babies strong defences and the quick reactions of someone walking down a street.