Srsly? I didn't know that. As I mentioned I haven't played in a long time Sab. It does seem to take some of the 'skill' out of it - if having fast fingers is a skill. I guess this just means all trains are tough to snipe which levels the playing field somewhat.
Thanks Tedd
I think it adds skill more than reduces skill.
It makes knowing how to split trains matter more, knowing how to send them matter less. Which is fine, since most everyone knew how to send them, it was just a matter of using the right browser and having decent internet. Now I can send the same trains from my phone as you can from Opera. I was never less skilled when using my phone than when using opera, I was just less technically-advantaged.
Sniping a 100ms gap is alot easier than those who sent with opera and could get it closer. 100ms is nothing.
Gaps had automated gaps long before the new automated train setup. uk3 was the last world I remember playing that had no gaps, and it was the opposite extreme. Splitting trains was more about luck than skill. Why? We were sending trains that ranged from 3 ms to 12 ms. That wasn't the gaps between individual nobles, that was the entire gap size, it was common that we sent trains that had multiple nobles hitting on the same millisecond. It till took no skill to send such trains, just good internet and a t-train setup. They were however so fast that even people that knew how to split trains required luck to actually do so, which made it less skill-based than splitting trains that have 25 ms gaps for example.