Alright guys, lets get some action in this forum.
I think everybody knows the game. Lets start!
I think everybody knows the game. Lets start!
Points: 5.923
Rank: 23
OD: 632 ( nothing special probably cleaned just barbs )
Tribe: HD
Points: 7/10 5.923 quite a lot points at this stage but could be better
OD: 5/5 632 not too bad but could be better
Position: 10/10 - Rim plenty of space many noobs round to noble perfect place to spread
Reputation: 6/10 random player never seen before in previous worlds,probably another barbarian muncher
Tribe: 8/10 tribe looks not too bad maybe i will join someday maybe not time will show
Profile: 8/10 - profile says that he gonna quit world soon as always
Farming: 9/10 - Got the achievs should have at that stage perhaps but not even better looter than me
Overall: 55.72
Don't rate since stopped playing.