start up


is there a standard way a player must start up when a world opens
let's say statue,paladin,clay 1,wood 1.........
or every player starts with his own way?


Every player can start the way he wants. Here are several guides showing the most efficent way to grow for that type of player.


There are loads of guides floating around like Nauzhrors or PPs but its up to the individual how they want to start, the guides are just that... guides

Some are really good, some not so much... up to you to pick one or to "play it by ear" and do your own thing


As Tequila said, they are only guides and can be, under certain circumstances be very good, under other they can be what lead to you being nobled.

If you're ever in doubt just ask or mail me in-game.


ok but which is the best start up for a player who wants to build many troops from the beggining but wants to build an academy to noble another village enough quickly?


I don't think there's an academy rush guide.

I suggest looking at the help pages. Find the requirements for troops, how strong they are, speed and what they carry and decide how mny troops you'll need at what stage depending on that information (lots of math). You should also look at the buildings to see the requirements and also how faster things get produced and they can storage.


Academy Rushing is pointless only leads you to being defenseless


Academy Rushing is pointless only leads you to being defenseless
Depends on a lot of factors. How you rush, how your neighbours grow, where villages are located, your farms, pretty much everything.


ok thanks guys i'll take a look at the guides you showed me and i'll decide which one i'm gonna follow


Depends on a lot of factors. How you rush, how your neighbours grow, where villages are located, your farms, pretty much everything.

No? Academy rushing is having around 1800 points then building an academy. No player has actually done this sucessfully to my knowledge. You will have to have high mines as your farm is going to be low, hence you farming is going to suck. A player on W37 tried it. 2.4/5K with level 16/18 farm? Please, it's a fail way to start and it's always gonna be like that. You don't have the troops to make it work. Even if your area sucks. It's still not going to work in the longer run.


RAZOR did it on He quitted after getting the village because he had reached his objective but he had a level 28-30 farm if I remember correctly.


RAZOR did it on He quitted after getting the village because he had reached his objective but he had a level 28-30 farm if I remember correctly.

Dun dun dun. Then that's not academy rushing.


He rushed to an academy to noble the first village, I'd call that academy rushing.


He rushed to an academy to noble the first village, I'd call that academy rushing.

That doesn't mean it's an Academy rush.

Example of an academy rush:

Village Headquarters (Level 20)
Barracks (Level 5)
Rally point (Level 1)
Smithy (20)
Market (Level 10)
Timber camp (Level 18)
Clay pit (Level 17)
Iron mine (Level 18)
Farm (Level 19)
Warehouse (Level 22)
Hiding place (Level 1)
Wall (Level 1)

Academy rush is where all other buildings are reletively low leveled apart from the buildings that make up to being able to construct an Academy. Hence, someone with a level 28 farm is not academy rushing. Someone may be first to noble on the world... That does not mean it's academy rushing. Oh and if you need to learn, I heard there is some guides on .Net if you just search. ;)


That's one way to do it. If you think that's the only way to do it you can have that opinion but I have to disagree.


I don't think you are able to rush an academy without LC at least not getting one of the first nobles


I think this topic has gone - like most topics - off topic.

Academy Rushing is when you focus on getting an academy A.S.A.P - which we've all agreed upon.

However, you can be a poor academy rusher or a skilled one. Two-Face said RAZOR did it on W1 with a high level farm. This is an example of a skilled academy rusher - as long as he used that farm space for troops as well as academy's requirements.

Someone who uses the academy rushing village template that One Hit KO showed:

Village Headquarters (Level 20)
Barracks (Level 5)
Rally point (Level 1)
Smithy (20)
Market (Level 10)
Timber camp (Level 18)
Clay pit (Level 17)
Iron mine (Level 18)
Farm (Level 19)
Warehouse (Level 22)
Hiding place (Level 1)
Wall (Level 1)

is a poor academy rusher and a very big noob. This player would have no defence, no troops and would probably be the last player to get a noblemen because they won't have the troops to farm and will be relying upon the low resource buildings within the farm to get their resources.

If you cannot agree upon this then I advise you agree to disagree. =P