Strange But True


Now to stop another thread from being derailed I will lift the bits that are doing the derailing to here so we can continue to chat about them (RhoDoDenDron faints)

Now on this thread we had some talk about you would be an idiot to post your TW skills (sorry Meechan your born with abilities my bad) into your CV.

Or would you?!

My current job is as a trainer and whilst this keeps me amused and horrified in equal measure I did have to attend an interview even though was an internal job placement.

So there is me facing the Big Fromage and the Head of HR and having given my 15min mock training session I am then grilled as to my suitability for the role.

"Tell me about a time when you have had to motivate colleagues or a group of people to get something done where time and resources are tight" says the Big Fromage.

Now I didn't explain about the merits of 100% commitment in taking down K45 on UK3 nor the techniques used to prise HC out of some surly tribemate low on iron when a snipe was needed and all I had to my name was a scout name Benjamin. Nor how to deal with Locutus of Borg when he was posting in the tribal form and upsetting folk or any one of the 100's of task that need good people skills.

I did though talk about setting clear goals (like writing ARRIVAL in caps so folks know when to click) and how different motivational techniques work with different types of folk some like to be given task and others spoon fed their role. Others need constant encouragement whilst some like to be given the facts and left to get on with it.

Infact TW did help me answer the question as skills (sorry sorry born with abilities) although I didn't mention TW nor whip out my axe and threaten to bury in their head unless I got the job (Gunboat diplomat me what can I say)

So does TW mirror life in certain ways? Would drawing on your experience in TW help you in a job interview or what could be the very unfortunate outcome!



TW has a lot to do with rl, but would you include 'tw skills' or 'life skills' in the same category is different, in my view ^ those come into life skills, motivating people organisation etc etc so no I wouldnt include 'TW skills' in a CV but i would include lifes skills under it ...

That can change from person to person as to how they view their skills as life skills or TW skills. is that clear ? do i need to clarify :D


I would say I bring my RL skills to Tw rather than the other way around. TW is such a small part of my life in comparison to everything else that, besides the knowledge of playing the game, the skills i use here are gathered from RL


that goes without saying although I guess it also means I should have said it :icon_redface:


Only once did real life mirror tribal wars for me. While lying sleeping in the old flea pit, my Old Dutch nudged me in the ribs and asked me to stop snoring as I was "snoring like a train!". I sleepishly replied "You'll know all about it when I send my noble train at you!".


One of my many schemes against my dear arch nemesis/good friend Jojomodjo was uncovered due to one of her tribesmates profession. One of my tribe members quit her account and offered it t be internalled, but instead I gave sat my CrashDump account from the new account (I think it was 'Rosemary'), and took over that one (which I'm quite quite sure is far from kosher). With the Rosemary account I joined Jojomodjo's tribe, who I was at war with. Naturally, she was suspicious, but a fabricated conversation between myself on the two accounts of Kilroy asking Rosemary to spy, and Rosemary answering Kilroy with an insult-laden 'no', the suspicions seemed to abate . . . except that Jojomodjo had a member who was a linguistic and handwriting specialist with the police, who confirmed without any shadow of a doubt that both messages came from the same person.

Too verbose for my own good at times.



I got my tea bag skills from halo, and my ramming skills from tw.


Loving some of the comments in here...

I got my tea bag skills from halo, and my ramming skills from tw.

On the serious note; never, EVER mention TW in a job interview - if you want the job. This comes from a Supermarket Store Manager BTW ;)

Having said that, there are definitely skills you have in real life which you can use and develop through TW. So as the OP explained without using the reference of TW in his answer, you can use the game to realise your abilities and skills. If the game helps you to articulate these skills without making that reference, then great!


I actually referenced tribal wars in my previous interview three weeks ago... Got the job.


Was it the Innogames game designer job?! If not tell us more!


I actually got my door to door customer sales job from reffering to TW, dealing with situations under pressure, calming situations when members start bickering and fighting, using my silver tounge to convince people to do things, I got the job though, interviewer said it was an interesting interview.


tw is a marriage breaker dont ever play the game, dont do it your be hooked for life, if you do player your end up breaking promises to your love ones,
your never sleep your have nightmares and all you do is eat sleep tribal wars noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo