tff are a bunch of talentless bully boys


don't worry about tff - they are 45 times the size of our tribe and despite all their resources and villages and hundreds of timed attacks on us over the last few days - all they achieved was the capture of a few of our villages. if we were a 20th the size of them we could have beaten them back easily. just a bunch of bully boys with no real talent :)

yes they will will take us out, but so could a bunch of monkeys with their resources


thanks but we won't survive - no doubt this post will spur them on to launch hundreds more at us, their little prides may have been hurt :)


war games = attacking people correct me if iam wrong


that wasn't the point of my post, all i'm saying is that similar sized tribes to them need not worry too much about them based on my experience of their attacks. one of their players has been trying to take a village for weeks and has thrown everything at it bar the kitchen sink - the village still stands - and the tff player knows who i am taking about

but, no you are not wrong, but i see no sense of either skill, honour, chivalry, or any other such attributes to be linked to a tribe that acts in this way. our tribe didn't just go around attacking and swallowing up smaller tribes when we were in a position to do so, i see no fun or skill in that, it is just an operation with no sense of achivement other than to say... look at me i've got a few more points and villages - big deal!! some of my neighbours i could have easily taken them out, but didn't - my mistake i suppose, it seems chivalry is dead in this world.
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talentless <3

im lovin it..
i called them spam ^^ looks like you need to give your last signal here on uk3 :lol:

back to the talent.. ^^
if you be the real gamer here why you have nobled then the awwsome stacked 500 P barbs? :icon_eek:

is that your definition from "talent"?

try to flame peops.. but pls with facts and not only empty words
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if i had a couple of hundered villages i wouldn't find it too difficult to take out other villages, what skill is there in that?

my aim was not to take out other villages but to support my tribe members against attack while they did the expanding ...

also my aim is to wind them up :)

there are a couple of bigger tribes in our area - but i notice they don't attack them - if they are soooo good why not? cluck! cluck! cluck!
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not so sure i will go down with this bunch of wimps, come on tff, what are you waiting for? not got enough villages and points :)


not so sure i will go down with this bunch of wimps, come on tff, what are you waiting for? not got enough villages and points :)

:O if you need more villas, there should be 500p barbs near you :p
to considering your looses xD now you can show your talent ;)

have you good cookies in your villas? maybe then my horses have pleasure to visit you :icon_razz:

but no visit without cookies :icon_wink: :p


I think this is more of a "im bitter that im getting nobled" kind of thing, good luck non the less.


:O if you need more villas, there should be 500p barbs near you :p
to considering your looses xD now you can show your talent ;)

have you good cookies in your villas? maybe then my horses have pleasure to visit you :icon_razz:

but no visit without cookies :icon_wink: :p

Only milk makes cookies nice :( I have lots of milk in my villages though but not enough cookiesss!!! :(


cookies in my villas? - really don't know what you mean - what point is there taking over barb villages, just to build them up for tff i suppose - saves them a lot of work.

send your horses if you want, either to support or die - it is up to you, but you had better be quick i'm fast running out of troops


I HATE BARB NOBLERS - grrrrr. winds me up. look at me, (enigma.) i have just under 70 villages, and only 5 were barbs... i thought i would do a little consolidating, it was a big mistake. there is no good reason for nobling 500 point barbs !! none what so ever. by doing this you were only ever headed back to the rim where you belong.

as for TFF being noobs, depends on who you ask, but some think the whole world is talentless... i would disagree !!

and just to reiterate... i hate barb noblers. wasting all my good farms, yes i still farm, on occasion :D O' and all ponies are welcome in my stables, but they have to bring there own cookies, i dont share !!


but some think the whole world is talentless... i would disagree !!

To be honest its not that hard to get in the top 20. For example,some players there were inactive for a few weeks but they were still in top 20, which shows the lack of talent and skill. In any other (net world) if you are inactive for a few weeks you would be rimmed and no-where near top 20. :icon_rolleyes:


i base talent on ODA more than anything :) and on the basis of barb nobling, ill noble a barb if its over 7k in points, anything else ill let someone build up then take it my self :)if your active on this world you'll probably get far, but to get over the top 20 you have to be pretty good well better then me :icon_redface: but not everyone has the time to get that high up, i play for fun and just play the game, people over rank 20 play the game very well :) and are pointwhores :) ;)



ok guys, to nobleing barbs ... I dont mind it .. why ? Because I can build up the village so like I want and don't need to demolish half of the ready build one. I like to build up village clusters and unless you noble barbs you cant get. As well I have nobeled villages with 7 or 8k, you cant get enough troops in it. As I played my villages had points between 4 and 5k which gave me more enough defence or offence troops. All villages which are over 8k are over build and for point whores.
To TFF can say they are a good tribe, good players, unless other tribes.


First of all TFF are not talentless.

They have survived a long time, and have faced some pretty serious opposition in the past. Bottom line they are still alive, which by your own admission your tribe is not. Unfortunately the nature of tribal wars is that eventually the smaller tribes always get eaten. There have been one or two exceptions, but only one or two.

The shape of the worlds is always built this way, the large wars cement that. Bottom line is that if TFF really want to take you out then they will. The fact they are not trying too hard really is more of a testament to the low standard of your tribe, rather than the ability of TFF.


Before you ask I am not in TFF:icon_biggrin:
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