The role of the Bibe as a moral guide


Lots of good comment here, if I wasn't so busy I'd give the discussion the attention it deserves.

The pamphlet annoyed me tbh, basically someone's rant about how wrong and stupid Christians are. I doubt anyone in the world changed their views after reading it. Silly.
The December 25th = the Solstace bit is nice for its complete bullpooidity.


hi all i am a christain (and not a radaclist but a schouler, a peace of paper and a huge debt to prove it too).
interpreting scriptual texts esspecaly the colection known as the bible is difficult (start with well over 300 translations from origanal langages to english, some of dubaus quality admitaly). thouse of us who realy know it use a colection of resources to undersrand it:
historical criticisan - the context in which it was writen
contectual - the context of the passage (or book) within the colection (confusing i know but it keeps us on our toes)
lingistic - basicly back to the origanal greek and hebrew (at bit specilist but can be enlitening)
littery - teating it like other historical documents
naritive - the stroy

this is an outline, i havent tuched on the poetery side of it or the practical ahreolgical explorations.

the OT of jewish scriptures are a story of trying to biuld a community which got a little messy as tine whent on, most of the texts are writen by multinble auters and then eddited later so are not neccerly in the true form of the origanal intent.

the NT is easer to trace (they just bug up posibly the erlist documet in christanity) but much of dubaus texts are from later, and erly christans were the main leaders in libarating slaves in there time. the NT looks at what is realy posible (books like timmothy are on the late side and tend to be read only in the context of earler teaching to remove sone of the romanising infuences) this isue with christanity comes with it's establishet by the edict of mellan in 313.

the problems are that the understing of the texts has been poluted by mofern culter and power gaimes thoughout history,
the ture motal precepts of love god and love naboiur as self underpin all the rules but also superseed the etempts to legislate to fourse the behavour.


The problem is though; that the book was written by men. Written by many men, and most likely the original bible was very different - as over the years people have added their bits to it. Christians still follow this book as a Holy scripture; but what makes it holy? It's a book written by men who liked to think of themselves as the disciples of the son of God, God himself hasn't written any of this, nor is there ANY proof of the miracles that happened in the bible.

Christianity is based on the bible after all what else is there left relating to Christ? So... You take a huge dose of Paganism, you mix it with a "holy scripture" made in the middle east, add some changes that suited the needs of the people at the time - and you've got yourself a Religion. This religion is meant to be followed by nearly 1/3 of the world population.

This is why the bible shouldn't be used as a Moral guide - it has been tainted by far too many people. It's like a game of chinese whispers, and the kings present at the time pass the whispers onto each other, changing it as it suits them along the way. Don't forget that during much of the periods "after Christ," people were led by Monarchy, if they Monarchy didn't like something - they put it to bed.

There is also the small problem of the Bible actually being an incredibly aggressive text, whilst it promotes peace to thy neighbours and thou shalt not murder, God still actively encourages the death and suffering of Men.


no texy is perfext this is an inperfect world, no amount of resoning will convince anyone becousr it works on the rational mind (now a divergence into philosophy)

scriptures and faith in perticuler relies on the superrational mind and areas of the contusness that are not fully understood. in philosophy this aspect of human contusness is referd to as superrational as uposed to the rational mind we know as the countousness and what we tend to understand as ourselves menterly on a basic level, there is also the sub rational or sub countus which relates more to the basic animal instincts which underpins the natural actions of our bodys and needs for things such as food.

the super rational cannot be directly influenced by rational arguments it is more perfoundly influenced by expernce than reason.

we are debating a thing which is beyound the ability to debate to a final conclusion.

on moral principle the NT although writen by humans points towords a way of beeing which is good for all and where the weekest are protected. this basies of this morality is the same as the basic principles of canntian and utilitariam ethics. the syistems may come to their conclusions in differnt ways but the conclusions are almost always the same in practical cercomstances