The War of the Rim - LRAG Vs -ODA-


Hello everyone.

On Saturday 17th April, LRAG broke their alliance with -ODA- and declared war, having approached RK beforehand about the possibility of forming an alliance against us.

debbie.b on 17.04. at 10:27
We have been informed by (anonymous) that -ODA- have plans to attack LRAG. From this moment please consider our Alliance ended.

crashdump on 17.04. at 20:26

Likewise, we have information from RK that LRAG asked them for an alliance against -ODA-


The relationship between the two tribes was one of mutual respect - LRAG had faired reasonably well against W1N's expansion northwards, whilst -ODA- have become widely regarded as 'the' up and coming tribe following successful campaigns against considerably larger tribes.

However, relations soured since the UNITE merger (something which -ODA- have previously being villified for in the publics). I have my theories on this, but I prefer to hear that of others.

UNITE members brought over a few accounts that were being indefinately account sat, whereas those who remained in UNITE were deemed too inactive or too distant (geographically) to warrant a place in the tribe, as so we set about nobling them in our stronghold of K5.

LRAG members along the border took this opportunity to identify the remaining UNITE members (as well as -ODA- members being internalled) and took it upon themselves to start advancing within our continent - I'm sure the majority will agree that this is devoid of respect, and is hardly polite etiquette between allies.

Please view the exchange between one of -ODA- 's Baron's, Meado, and the Duke of LRAG, when the inevitable cross-nobling began to occur.

Meado on 11.04. at 01:38
Hey there,
One of your tribe seems to be attacking a member of mine - may I ask why this is happening, we are supposed to be allies?

The attacks are from midgey - and they are not a farming trip gone wrong, as there is 15 of them! The player has refused to respond to my players attempts to contact him.

Please get back to me as soon as possible on this,

Baron of -ODA-

debbie.b on 11.04. at 07:21
Please let me know who is being attacked as you didn't mention it in your mail. I have checked with midgey and he tells me he is only attacking one player at present who isn't in your tribe.

debbie.b on 11.04. at 11:01
I think you have been misinformed here as the villa was only taken last night the attacks were already on their way. So it is not a case of attacking an Allie but some cross nobles!

Meado on 11.04. at 12:38
15 nukes/nobles to take this tiny village? I find that difficult understand. Here is the first report;

I am inquiring into when the attacks started, and if my player confirms that they were coming in when he took the village and weren't sent after, I'll consider this closed.


debbie.b on 11.04. at 12:49
Well we all work in different ways! I am sure you are more than able to check the walking distances yourself and this will confirm that the attacks were sent before it was taken!
As for considering it closed I am not sure I do. why did your player not dodge and save an allies troops?

Meado on 11.04. at 16:07
Indeed we do.

He says he cant tell if they were sent before or after, so I'll take your word for it.

And would you have dodged if you were going to lose a village to another player?

debbie.b on 11.04. at 16:14
How can he not tell?..please check the walks for yourself...they were sent before!
In this situation it is usual to dodge so that troops are not killed! especially Allies troops!

Meado on 11.04. at 16:15
You don't need to prove that point, I believe you on it.

And I would disagree. If a LRAG player had nobled a village in one of your Ks, came on a few hours later and found 15 incoming from us, they would have reacted exactly the same. No player willing gives up villages if they can hold them.

debbie.b on 11.04. at 16:24
Wouldn't expect them to give up the villa...but I would expect them to protect an allies troops and only kill what was needed to keep the villa.

Meado on 11.04. at 16:31
And we did that, to the best of our abilities.

debbie.b on 11.04. at 16:37
ok well I will get the reports sent to me...and if thats the case I would expect to see some troops returning. I have seen one already and the troops were killed...we need to talk about compensation when I have seen the full reports

Meado on 11.04. at 16:39

The reports will probably show your player losing most, if not all, of his troops. As far as I am aware, the support in the village from our players has been taking hits but has not been wiped as of yet.

debbie.b on 11.04. at 16:43
So he is not said

Author wrote:Meado today at 16:31
And we did that, to the best of our abilities.
Is that any way to treat allies?

Meado on 11.04. at 16:44
How can he dodge when the support belongs to other players?

debbie.b on 11.04. at 16:47
OK so now you are telling me that ODA are supporting and kiling an allies troops?

Meado on 11.04. at 16:49
I've been telling you this from the start - ODA are defending their villages from agression. We would do so against anyone, allied or not! Just because a player attacking us is an ally doesn't mean we are going to let them attack us.

debbie.b on 11.04. at 16:52
It wasn't an ODA villa when the attacks were sent!

Meado on 11.04. at 16:53
And we didn't know that then, did we?

debbie.b on 11.04. at 17:01
What did you not know? your guy took a villa is it not beyond the bounds of reason that some one else may also be attacking the same villa?????
I really don't undestand your attitude to this. It is a simple case of cross nobles. Now we are being accused

Meado on 11.04. at 17:11
I do not understand your confusion - any attack coming to a village is treated as an act of agression.

And 15 attacks isn't considered cross nobling. 4-6 attacks would be seen as a cross nobling. 15 is complete overkill for one village.

Yes we have established now that it was cross nobling, but it is a bit late to stop your players troops dying. So why do you keep bringing this issue back up?

debbie.b on 11.04. at 17:21
I assure you I am not confused.
The amount of attacks is insignificant as they were not sent to an ODA villa. A fact which you seem to completely miss. Therefore it was not an act of agression against ODA

Meado on 11.04. at 17:59
They attacks were coming to an ODA village, and as such is it hard to see why they were percieved as agressive acts? Yes, between yourself and myself we have now established it was cross nobling and it is not an act of agression, but at the time it was seen as one.

debbie.b on 11.04. at 18:16
I think a lot of the problem is that your guy wasnt active when he took the villa and therefore wasnt sure that they were already incoming. As I would assume that your response would be completely different if that was the case.

Meado on 11.04. at 18:19
Indeed it would have - but one must do what one can, based on the information one has at the time.

debbie.b on 11.04. at 18:33 as your guy was not active. Wouldn't it have been better to admit that! I have ended up with one of mine loosing troops. Hardly LRAGs fault or indeed his. I mailed you this morning to let you know this but you have still continued to kill his troops. I will expect compensation for him.

Meado on 11.04. at 18:39
I am not blaming LRAG or him, I was defending my reasons for assuming it was his fault based on the information I had at the time.

We aren't compensating him for his losses.

debbie.b on 11.04. at 20:04
Yes I understand that ... and the information you now know was wrong. You said your self if you had the full information you would have acted differently. The very least you can do is compensate him for his losses. Which could have been prevented if your player was active and dodged the main attacks

And so, I give you 'The War of the Rim'

Side 1:
Tribes: -ODA-
Side 2:
Timeframe: 17/04/2010 00:00:00 to 21/04/2010 14:54:16
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 20
Side 2: 33
Difference: 13

Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 108,372
Side 2: 244,612
Difference: 136,240

Please note that LRAG declared, and in so doing had the opportunity to bolster their frontline, but I am confident that, once again, -ODA- can show why they are many people's favourite 'other' tribe.

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Im sure those stats will be turned around soon ... and 13 villages is a poor lead, given LRAG declared and moved support up before this.


Given this decloration was only made due to -ODA- planning to remove us from K5.

You'll have a LRAG statement soon.


Will be interesting to see how LRAG cope in this war - they seem to have recruited some good players since there last war, and have grown and rebuilt well. Credit goes to FatTaff for that, for seemingly bringing LRAG back from the dead lol

Good Luck ODA also :)


Given this decloration was only made due to -ODA- planning to remove us from K5.

You'll have a LRAG statement soon.

You are very poor at propoganda Mr Onion ... you and I both know that is untrue. LRAGs attack on ODA was unprovoked.

And I look forward to luling at LRAGs attempt at pnp :3


Rc you amuse me so, LRAG wouldn't declare on an ally for anything but good reason. Our alliance worked well as we advanced to K5 and grew together, but once an offical posts you might get the picture. What do you know actually? You are not a member of -ODA- nor LRAG so..well..nothing.


Given this decloration was only made due to -ODA- planning to remove us from K5.

You'll have a LRAG statement soon.

Heh? Onion. You were not duke nor baron, please don't post on the matter. :)
LRAG are a disgrace of a tribe, while I co-played Kilroy and he was away. They intentionally went after inactives in -ODA- and argued that they deserved the villages even though they were definately ODA vills in k5 - Our K.

GL -ODA-. :)


If K5 was your K why attempt to advance into K4, "our" K. I'm a member, I get instructions and do.

I think the only inactives I've seen posted was that big list put in our forum once it was declared. "Disgrace of a tribe", that made me lol. LRAG have done what many tribes would collapse under.


Rc you amuse me so, LRAG wouldn't declare on an ally for anything but good reason. Our alliance worked well as we advanced to K5 and grew together, but once an offical posts you might get the picture. What do you know actually? You are not a member of -ODA- nor LRAG so..well..nothing.

Meado is my brother Onion, so I think I do know a bit more than you.

And if you think your alliance was working well, you are as foolish as you come across in your posts.


I'm rather loving how Kilroy and I can keep it civilised during PM's but a tribe with nothing to do with it has a go. Kilroy agreed that irjoney wanted us out of K5.


Well seen as Fattaff has been trying to create a war between my tribe and ORC, in efforts to prevent ORC from joining in this conflict against him, I think it does have something to do with me.

And yes, LRAG were wanted out of K5. That is not a reason to go to war with them. I want W1N out of K33 but I'm not going to declare for it.


I'm rather loving how Kilroy and I can keep it civilised during PM's but a tribe with nothing to do with it has a go. Kilroy agreed that irjoney wanted us out of K5.

Incorrect, what I said was this;

I did not have a probem with LRAG existing in K5, but the nobling of our inactives was a bit untoward, and I'm sure you can appreciate how that would sway opinions in -ODA-

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I didn't say you had a problem with us in K5, I said irjoney did.

I quote Baron debbie.b, "couldn't really care less". LRAG have the info, the great planners and the troops.


Regardless of the declaration, goodluck to you LRAG, and the rest of -ODA- :)


I have a number of minor quibbles as to the accuracy of Kilroy's presentation, but I will settle for two questions for now.

Firstly - there appears to be a long quotation from what I presume was a private correspondence between debbie.b and meado. Were these parties asked for their permission before publishing their conversation? Not important, you might say, and perhaps you are right - just a matter of manners, really.

Secondly - I notice that Debs is billed as Duke of LRAG. Probably petty of me to mention it, as I have no doubt that she would make a very good one, but in fact I am Duke of LRAG, not Debbie. She is our lead diplomat. The impartial observer might ask, of course, what part of Kilroy's presentation can be relied on if he can't get such basic facts sorted out.


good luck everyone including -ODA- guys and gals, been fun so far.

listen stop all this BS and who started what LETS JUST GET IT ON.


Firstly - there appears to be a long quotation from what I presume was a private correspondence between debbie.b and meado. Were these parties asked for their permission before publishing their conversation? Not important, you might say, and perhaps you are right - just a matter of manners, really

Do you also think I asked permission before I spied on the T4H Family on W4..


Radarr, you would probably be startled at how very little I care what you did on W4 or anywhere else.

Why would it be relevant anyway? Spies, on the whole, do not consider courtesy important to their role. Dukes, however, when conducting public debates...


In all honesty this looks like one thing to me. Gang bang. Pretty shameful aswell to be frank. To drop not a nap, but an alliance and declare war. Tis a pretty drastic thing to do to people who were will to support you in your hour of need.