Name: Grumpy
Created: 2014-06-14 01:25:48
OD Attack Rank: 2. (2,095,856 score)
OD Defense Rank: 5. (536,879 score)
Tribe Changes: 106
Conquers: 248 (+247-1)
Grumps ODA looks good an shows they defiantly are a worthy contender for the No. 1 spot but their ODD shows us they have lack of competition in the area, Their Leadership has the experience to go the distance and unless something drastic happens to tribe's command then I can see them sticking around for quite some time.
Foreseeable Future
As stated in the Tribe's Analyses this tribe will continue to be one of the Top Contenders for the foreseeable future, They will continue dominate the southern part of the world but I can see a possible problems arising as they venture further into k55.
Name: The HoneyBadger
Created: 2014-06-13 21:20:08
OD Attack Rank: 3. (1,940,493 score)
OD Defense Rank: 6. (535,983 score)
It would be unfair of me to pass commenting on both these tribes as I am a member of the team, However my Analyses will be made from the most unbiased approach as possible an with that I will also Analyses them with the one report as they function as one tribe anyway.
Although THB is in fact a day older than Grumpy its Counterpart THB. is the youngest of the Top 5 Tribes, As a complete fighting unit hold both 1st and 3rd place for ODA showing us they mean business on the world stage. ODD is equally as impress with again the 1st place position going to them, What is Extremely Impressive is that THB. The youngest out all the Top 5 Tribes is actually holding the No1 Position for Both ODA and ODD.
Our Leadership has been solid with the way they handle their business and in doing we have established ourselves as One of the Top Contenders for the No 1 spot.
Foreseeable Future
Well now I dont think its appropriate for me to talk about such things as a grunt I dont have any say in such things.
Name: The HoneyBadger.
Created: 2014-07-21 17:20:50
OD Attack Rank: 1. (2,474,282 score)
OD Defense Rank: 1. (837,458 score)
Tribe Changes: 67
Conquers: 172 (+156-16)
Name: The Immortal Knights
Created: 2014-06-13 22:20:59
OD Attack Rank: 4. (1,898,310 score)
OD Defense Rank: 9. (449,378 score)
Tribe Changes: 118
Conquers: 160 (+156-4)
IK are Ranking 4th in ODA telling us they can make the numbers, what does concern me is their slip into 9th place for ODD may say that their bark is worse than their bite. However this Tribe has been around just along as our other Top Tribes.
Although I do not know of the Leaders within IK I can say that they have done well to get to where they are and also for as long as they have been, but I can see serious problems that this leadership is going to have to struggle with if they want to push for the win. Unfortunately they contending with 2 other tribes for k Dominance.
Foreseeable Future
Unless IK begin to push out I can see them getting swallowed with no room to grow, they are surrounded by tribes with a much better spread an unless they have some serious diplomacy going with these tribes their days will be numbered.
Name: Boldon
Created: 2014-06-18 02:22:58
OD Attack Rank: 6. (1,271,622 score)
OD Defense Rank: 2. (656,559 score)
Tribe Changes: 128
Conquers: 141 (+136-5)
Both ODA and ODD come in both at ranked 6th, Although slightly below average for their position they could simply be taking comfort in some easy pickings.
Although their Profile doesnt shed much light on their Leaders I do recognise some of their Members an I know they have they skills to make things happen. Their spread is good for establishing themselves in the North West part of the world.
Foreseeable future
I can see this Tribe going for the push but they have a long way to go to stabilise their k which may leave them weakened on their flanks and their Enemies watching.