UK Server policies


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Community Manager
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Dear players,

Please find below a list of our market policies, along with some clarification on what we will and will not intervene with. Please also be aware individual classic world rounds and speed worlds have their own requirements shown on the world start pages.

These policies take immediate effect. Please note this is NOT a rule change, but rather a clearer picture of what we will or will not intervene with in terms of your gameplay.

1) Account sitting
When you set a sitter on your account, you should always choose someone you trust. There are account based restrictions that govern the control a sitter has over your account and these are disabled by default. If you choose to give a sitter access to messages, sending support and troops etc then you cannot later expect us to reverse an action your sitter took - it will be considered to be by your own consent. The support team will not intervene if your sitter uses the rights you gave them. The only exception would be if an action breaks the game rules, which would mean both the sitter and the sat account would then face punishment.​
2) Merging
Merging (otherwise known as co playing) is not supported by the Support team. While we do appreciate it happens, it is something you undertake entirely at your own risk. You can find a published list of legal ways to move accounts here and this must be followed at all times. You should note merging is not allowed within the first 30 days of a regular world start. This requirement will also be shown in the world announcement.​

3) Internalling other players
Internalling a player is the act of forcibly nobling them while they are in your tribe. Because the tribal aristocracy usually has access to their tribe members troop numbers, you are required to wait 48 hours after dismissing a player before you can noble or attack them. This requirement is the same if you are sitting a player and whether or not you think they are inactive or are being attacked by other tribes. As with Merging, Internalling is not permitted within the first 30 days of a regular world start. This requirement will also be shown in the world announcement.​
4) Gifting villages
Gifting your village to another player is permitted, provided it is an account you have never played on and that the account has never shared a common internet connection with you. You should ask the support team for permission before giving away your village, and as a player who will noble a gifted village, you should confirm with support that a ticket has been given. As with Merging, gifting is not permitted within the first 30 days of a regular world start. This requirement will also be shown in the world announcement.​
5) Multi Accounting
Multi accounting (starting and or playing on more than one account on a world) has never been allowed and is a breach of the rules. In addition, Players who use multiple accounts at world start to get a better position or to generate more barbarian villages around their existing village will face punishment.
6) Relocation Items
Relocation Items are precious and rare. They are (usually) provided at world start and have a limited life. Once they expire - they are gone! We will not replace them if they expire or if you choose the wrong start direction so please be careful with them.​

Please remember to follow these policies when playing the game.

Your Tribal Wars Team
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