W10 So liek, whos joining?


I just had a look at the UK9 maps. How can you all be talking of UK10 when UK9 doesn't even had a 5k player cap.

Really? I wouldn't open another world until UK9 was filled up like the other worlds.

I just joined UK9, and it's pathetic how low the player cap is. It's actually amusing.

Have you seen the settings? .5 speed and barbs don't grow. It has taken many people several months to get nobles. I have played it from the start, and it is not everyone's cup of tea. I know people who are rank one in other worlds who quit world 9 because it is so slow.


I'll be having a whack at it . . . and yes, I am on and off more times than a battery-powered sex aid.


I just had a look at the UK9 maps. How can you all be talking of UK10 when UK9 doesn't even had a 5k player cap.

Really? I wouldn't open another world until UK9 was filled up like the other worlds.

I just joined UK9, and it's pathetic how low the player cap is. It's actually amusing.

Allow me to dust off my Jedi mind tricks; "you shall be co-playing me on World 10".

. . . . . did it work?

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Haven't played TW in freakin ages but i got the new world start email and the settings look alright so i'm considering it :)


Yeah, i will be joining. A lot of old time legends will be too ;)
I was gonna try and convince ade to join, but after he has seen i have ripped off his sig, he probably wont if i ask him :D


I just had a look at the UK9 maps. How can you all be talking of UK10 when UK9 doesn't even had a 5k player cap.

Really? I wouldn't open another world until UK9 was filled up like the other worlds.

I just joined UK9, and it's pathetic how low the player cap is. It's actually amusing.
Well, Its the worst settings i have ever even seen on a TW world apart from UK7, and sorry, but some will not be interested in a slow world like uk9 mate, as they may want a faster new world :p :)
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I know it may come as a shock to some of you but due to a series of unfortunate events, I won't be able to join this world. :(

So you have to deal playing without me. :(


*Is joining under his own account name for once :lol:*

Ohh yeah, count me in i suppose, just hope i end up with a title at the end of it (like 28 months of playing will be tough mind)


if the battle of the tribes had the go ahead i would have joined as it was something different. so i won't be joining hope those that do enjoy


I shall be gracing this world with my presence and countless toasts of mountain dew, yes.