Who is left to fight :)


Well Fatmax and TP4 deleting was a shame. I was hoping to get the chance to attack TP4. I really wanted to after leaving Redrum due to (ahem) my poor choice of degrading words to TP4. :(

I see MOFO and Thunder and AA and a few others are definitly still attacking. This world is too young to have this amount of deletes already. Or am I just being an American noob and this is how UK worlds are?


This being a speed 2 world with only 4 full Ks it is naturally gonna end faster than others. However, i think there is still alot of fight left here yet. :)


I see you have some fight left MoFo. I am telling you .... you need to mark what you are sending to me so i dont have to work so hard and figure it out. :)
Remember I am a dumb American. LMAo :)


I told you i only send nobles. Sometimes disguised as rams. ;)

I never said you were dumb. :icon_sad: I was just disappointed you werent actually from Finland.


I'll still fight on no matter the odds, however as previously posted by others the small world size and the large tribe member limit has somewhat stifled the number of competitive tribes that could possible arise due to the smaller player base but larger tribe limit. Hopefully the new UK worlds will have lower tribe limits in future to counter act this effect.

Either way I pretty much see this as the final war of this world - unless something happens to JBOX and they splinter (unlikely) - if/when THE/AKP go - FATE won't stand a chance (but that’s there own choice as a tribe and I am not complaining) - then the world will be effectively over. Pity that it only really has experiences one true big war as the GOLD one was a flop in my view.


Pity to you, glory to others

A rather odd statement to make when there are other more thought provoking statements throughout this thread. One would hope that players would want worlds to go on for longer (otherwise just play the new ones with 'win' conditions if you want 'shorter' worlds) and provide a greater deal of challenge.
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hello thunderhorse,

I'm from a totally different gaming back ground, FPS where a game is played and won/lossed in 45 mins now i believed there are worlds on here that have been going 4/5 years and are nothing more then a stalemate, surely worlds like this that can be won within a year !!!! is a good thing, i know you can argue the toss on this but the more times a world gets played like this the better and more skillful they will become ?


A very valid argument turdy, I suppose it highlights that there will never be a happy medium for everyone, some play for start up only, some for mid game others play for the long haul like myself from start up to end (or till boredom kicks in). Thing is with FPS there is very defined win/lose conditions that don't exist on most servers bar uk8, the duration of a world has no bearing on skill or becoming better in my view, that would be like saying everyone that plays speed will be better than those that don't. While exceptional players at speed are normally good on normal worlds they learned first from the normal worlds.


<<< is a noob and enjoys learning from everyone. :) I love the speed of this world. It is like put up or shut up. if you are on the computer more than your enemy.. chances are you will win. unless you are attacking someone that is just so daft and incredibly lucky that he lasts and lasts.. (ps that is my strategy. LOL)

LMAO MoFo... I am calling myself the dumb american. :) I openly admit I am dumb and nooby :) I can even admit when I am wrong even if I dont think I am. Ask Fatmax and TP. :)

What will be fun in this world is when THE or JBOX win this battel with Fate and The1 filling in.. and fate or the1 just turn on everyone and kill us all. Or I just go postal and attack myself adn have the most self nobles and self kills ever.. Hey....that is a good idea. i could be the 1st with 200 self conquers....hummm.. I have to stop you pesky THE players 1st. you guys keep cheating and not telling me what you are sending to me. I am writing the mods right now as a matter of fact.. since I just remembered :)