Any one heard of him? I detest arrogant, overconfident priggs
Snooki today at 14:59
I would recommend you to make an restart. This is an non morale world, so im pretty sure you don't want to fall too much behind. Meaning of this message is not to be insult you. I hope you consider this option, because it will be an pain to try to come back from the rim later on.
Wookey today at 17:40
Just checked you out on twstats, you have no history that makes me extremely scared.
Have you any old ign's? that would make me more inclined to do as you ask.
Not even day one and you are issuing threats, you will find I am not easily intimidated my friend
A friendly hello would have been better, we may have been able to agree a nap and control this area together.
Choice is yours
Snooki today at 17:47
I should probably add that out of those worlds W44 was the only world I was in from the start up.
Snooki today at 17:45
This was a friendly hello and just a heads up. This account is co-played and online 24 hours a day. I'm merely trying to save both you and myself the trouble of a pointless fight.
Upon your request - here are the stats.
Wookey today at 17:48
Very impressive I am sure, Do you know what, being stubborn like I am and hating co played accounts, I really have no interest in saving you trouble or time.
Like I said a "friendly" hello would have been better. You seem to be missing the concept
Snooki today at 17:50
As you wish.
Wookey today at 17:55
Lol, it seems my wishes don't come into it do they?
What did you expect me to say, "Oh I am sorry I will restart straight away so you can have another farm"
Don't make me laugh mate. If you are 24 hours then chances are i am doomed but i will make sure that your name is mud and you become a target of all my many friends on the UK server.
I am guessing I have a few more than you, what with your attitude lol
My first job may be to put your friendly mail up on the externals and let the community decide
Snooki today at 18:07
Decide what? This isn't a popularity contest. I gave you a heads up and you've chosen to be a farm rather than relocate. I commend you on your stubbornness.
I will not read any further mails from you as farms shouldn't talk.
Wookey today at 18:09
Good, you are boring me to death
So do one
Snooki today at 14:59
I would recommend you to make an restart. This is an non morale world, so im pretty sure you don't want to fall too much behind. Meaning of this message is not to be insult you. I hope you consider this option, because it will be an pain to try to come back from the rim later on.
Wookey today at 17:40
Just checked you out on twstats, you have no history that makes me extremely scared.
Have you any old ign's? that would make me more inclined to do as you ask.
Not even day one and you are issuing threats, you will find I am not easily intimidated my friend
A friendly hello would have been better, we may have been able to agree a nap and control this area together.
Choice is yours
Snooki today at 17:47
I should probably add that out of those worlds W44 was the only world I was in from the start up.
Snooki today at 17:45
This was a friendly hello and just a heads up. This account is co-played and online 24 hours a day. I'm merely trying to save both you and myself the trouble of a pointless fight.
Upon your request - here are the stats.
Wookey today at 17:48
Very impressive I am sure, Do you know what, being stubborn like I am and hating co played accounts, I really have no interest in saving you trouble or time.
Like I said a "friendly" hello would have been better. You seem to be missing the concept
Snooki today at 17:50
As you wish.
Wookey today at 17:55
Lol, it seems my wishes don't come into it do they?
What did you expect me to say, "Oh I am sorry I will restart straight away so you can have another farm"
Don't make me laugh mate. If you are 24 hours then chances are i am doomed but i will make sure that your name is mud and you become a target of all my many friends on the UK server.
I am guessing I have a few more than you, what with your attitude lol
My first job may be to put your friendly mail up on the externals and let the community decide
Snooki today at 18:07
Decide what? This isn't a popularity contest. I gave you a heads up and you've chosen to be a farm rather than relocate. I commend you on your stubbornness.
I will not read any further mails from you as farms shouldn't talk.
Wookey today at 18:09
Good, you are boring me to death
So do one