World End: Best Player in Classic Server?


For those of us left in the server I think it is time to rate the best player in the server, since there is only three days left.

Rank 1) Four Seasons

Villages: 2488
Villages Lost: 113
ODA: 70.43 Million
ODD: 7.03 Million
Barb to Player Noble Ratio: 38%

Rank 2) Imminent Threat

Villages: 1656
Villages Lost: 11
ODA: 51.43 Million
ODD: 3.91 Million
Barb to Player Noble Ratio: 1%

Rank 3) Adam10950

Villages: 1481
Villages Lost: 670
ODA: 49.91 Million
ODD: 25.29 Million
Barb to Player Noble Ratio: 37%


I would personally rank Four Seasons in the number 1 spot. Most of his success early game was played solo which is VERY hard to do. Adam had the advantage of 5 people on the account for a good long stretch. That account had another long stretch with 3 people on it so the growth in comparison to Four Seasons account is diminished in my eyes. It was comical to watch the entire rim near Adam "turtle up" while the Adam account was all offense. That account blasted the rim with no fear of counter attack. For some reason, the rim never "wised up" the entire server life. The Adam account acted like a hot knife through butter thanks to a collective failure of almost all rim players near him.

A little self promotion...I think I played the most consistant game with activity and player nobles. I never really munched on barbs...11 to be exact. I focused on the end game (domination %) and focused squarely on players to grow. I did munch on Adam in the end because I felt I deserved the number 2 rank. I suppose I could have gotten it anyway with the server apathy in the last 10 days. I had one co-player until 2 million points and then he vanished into thin air. If anyone hears from Bo Nidel...tell him I said The last 14 million was solo.


I feel like you can't say one person is definitely the best. The end rankings are not necessarily the best players in that order. Each player had something that made them the best. Adam started off in a great position, took advantage of it, and really dominated. Adam took total control of his k til he ran out of competition to the point where he got bored.

Us on the doctor strangler account kept up with him at first til we ran into some trouble. We got back going and got back to rank 3 for a while there, before going inactive.

Four seasons had an excellent startup especially for being solo. The activity early on really helped him to gain control of his own area. He was the one who really was trying to push us to win earlier, although he struggled with activity there for a bit.

Imminent threat, i would agree, was the most consistent. Although not dominating as much in the early game as the other 3, he was very consistent, and managed to be a great help to the tribe winning this world. He pushed nobling players unlike the others of us who enjoyed munching on the tasty barbs.

The world was fun at the start, but quickly grew boring with the lack of competition as the only people who had any activity didn't know how to play tw very well. I look forward to the next hp round. In my conclusion, i will not choose one player as the best player on this world.



If i was honest, myself and Imminent stood out in SHAC, Adam had a stretch of inactivity and Doc soon fell away to new worlds, as later recruits didn't work a hard towards the end domination as i would of liked. Imminent was a stand out player for me. Has been with SHAC since the start and have to see its been a pleasure playing with him. Constantly taking enemy villages whilst most of us burned our 1000s of nobles on barbs lol

I Agree with Earl, the end wasn't fun, no competition and just really couldn't be bothered with it, The lack of competition was sad and dismal, I only hope that the next classic has more of a challenge,

Would of been nice to have 2 tribes fighting it out at the end, But sadly didn't happen, SHAC just dominated from the get go. Plus side we was guaranteed to win, Downside, didn't make for an epic climax to the world.

I will be joining the next Classic, And will be looking for new recruits.

Mark, Enjoy your golf through the summer.
Earl, not sure if your coming back, but would love to see you around
Adam... Get Gus to get in touch, he was class.

Grats to all SHAC on wining the first Uk Classic Server!



Duke Of SHAC


and i had 2 people me and gus... not 5 lol and imintant how did you deserve rank 2 spot ? i obv won this world a long time ago double rank 2's points... even doc got bored who would of been 2nd or 3rd the world ended when all the best tribes in the begging of the world was in my k same with the best players... who i nobled... for you to even say u should be in the top 3 is stupid the only reason you got there is because the best players stopped playing, i big shout out to gus is obv in order see you in classic 2
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spending 30 pp early for smithy 19 - 20 ? when classic 2 comes with no pp it will be the same


well congrats and finally adam michael and mark lol

i had fun playing with you guys while i did and congrats i can't wait to play on next classic with u guys
